Kirishima x Shy!Non-Binary!Reader

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i know there are lots of requests before this one but i really feel the need to add more content for my lgbtq+ friends reading this and i hope you guys enjoy and if it's bad please i accept criticism fully and wholeheartedly! please enjoy~ and thanks to for requesting 0-Quinny-0  really appreciate your support! Also kiri saying "she, her" is on purpose cuz at the time he didn't know you were nonbinary.
(Y/n)'s POV

  As i made my way to the grand gates of U.A, i felt someone tap my shoulder, breathing heavily.

"Hey, (Y/n)! How are you doing?" he asked enthusiastically.

"I-I'm fine..." i said and looked away, blushing, and started walking faster.

"That's great! Are you studying for the test next week?" he said with a small smile.

'What do i do? i don't understand anything in (your worst subject) and i need help! (Y/n), pls ask him for help istg i will mentally kill u!'

"I- uh.. Well-"

"Hey guys!" said Tsuyu, my only friend at the school.

"Oh, hey Asui!" kiri waved.

"Oh!! Kirishima, (Y/n) is having some trouble with some of the content for the test, could you help?" Tsuyu said while winking at me.

"Of course!! (Y/n), why didn't you ask? I'm always open to helping you." he said with a smile.

"Well- I-.." i stuttered.

"Sorry.." i mumbled loud enough for them to hear.

"Don't be sorry! I'll meet you after school mkay? We'll go to my place." Kiri said.

  I just nodded my head and continued to class as normal.

  If you didn't know, i have a crush on Kirishima, but i don't know if he'll accept me because i'm secretly nonbinary and i'm not sure if he will accept me... UGHH i hate just thinking about that possibility.. i should probably confess to him today.. i should ask Tsuyu for advice :/

Kiri POV

This is a great chance to confess to (Y/n)! I never found the right time to confess to her.. i hope that everything goes as planned.. i guess all i can do is wait :/

-Time skip you after school cuz i am a sucky writerrr-

As i waited for (Y/n) at the gate, i thought of possible ways to confess. Should i do it right away? No.. that would scare her.. Maybe as she's leaving my place? That doesn't sound half bad..

"H-Hey.. Kiri.." i heard someone say.

I looked down and saw (Y/n), slightly tugging on the sleeve of my uniform.

"Oh! Sorry haha.. I didn't see you there! Anyways, Let's get goin'. We can walk since it's only a few minutes away." I said. (fyi there are no dorms mk shhh)

(Y/n) just nodded and walked slightly behind me, eyes wondering.

As we reached my front door, i pulled out the keys and opened the door.

"Ah, i forgot to tell you. My parents aren't home right now, they work during the day! Is that alright with you?"

"Y-Yeah.." (Y/n) said quietly.

I led her upstairs into my room and we soon got to work.

Nobody's POV

As (Y/n) wrote down the answers to the questions and highlighted the important stuff in the textbook, they felt a feeling, a feeling that felt like they were being watched..

They quickly glanced up and found Kiri staring at them. They quickly looked back down and blushed.

"(Y/n).." Kiri said, in a questioning tone.

"Y-yes??" (Y/n) asked the red head.

"I really like you," he started and scratched the back of his neck out of nervous habit.

"It's chill if you don't like me back, we can stay as friends if you want.. or not.. i understand-" Kiri was shut when you put a finger to his mouth.

"Kiri, i-i have something to say.. please tell me you won't get mad or judge me.." you said in a serious tone.

"Never, (Y/n)." he said and held one of your hands in his.

"I-I.. I like you too... but.." you started and wondered off getting nervous of what was to come but, you took the risk anyway.

"I'm non-binary. I would prefer if you referred to me as 'they, them' etc. I understand if you don't accept me.. but i truly do like you back.." i said, voice shaking.

Silence fell upon the two students..

"I-I.. i'm sorry i said anything i guess i'll just go. Thanks for the help-" (Y/n) started.

Kiri grabbed their wrist and looked up into their eyes.

"I don't care about any of that, (Y/n). I like you for who you are and your gender won't change my opinion on you." he said with a toothy smile.

(Y/n) felt themself slowly smile and ,out of excitement, hugged the spiked haired boy right then and there.

"O-Oh.. S-sorry.." (Y/n) spat and quickly pulled away.

Kiri just chuckled to himself and gave (Y/n) a quick peck on the cheek.

"You too cute, your driving me crazy!" he said as he ruffled your hair.

You just blushed, crossing your arms and pouting.

hope this was good, sorry for those that are apart of the lgbtq+ community, if i disappointed you please tell me and i will fix what i can. anyways please have a good day and stay safe my beanie boys!!💕😌

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