Tamaki Amajiki x Reader

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Sorry it took so long for this to come out :1 I've been really busy. Well I hope you enjoy tho! Sorry if it's short.
Tamaki POV
    Valentine's Day is coming up and I don't know what to get (y/n). I want to confess to her that day but I'm nervous. What if she declines? I would just make a fool of myself! 'Stop it, Tamaki. Have confidence. If you act all weak then she will never love you back. Be tough.' I thought to myself as I walked down the hall to my class.
As I opened the door, I was surprised to see someone in my seat. I walked to my seat and saw that it was (Y/n) sitting there. I smiled and tapped her shoulder. She looked up at me and smiled as she waved her hands. "What are you doing in my seat?" I asked her. "Waiting for you! I wanted to ask you something." She said. I looked at her and tilted my head to the side. She giggled her heavenly giggle and smiled. "Are you doing anything on Valentines?" She asked. I shook my head. "Wanna hang out that day? It's gonna be boring with couples everywhere so why not you and me chillax together to avoid loneliness?" She said. 'I mean she has a point, and who knows, maybe I can confess to her! This is gonna be great!!' I thought. I nodded in response.
    Time skip brought to you by me listening to BTS while writing this. ;)
     (Y/n)'s POV
    (A/N: my kitten is playing with me and it's so hard to write this 😂 plz send help he is a cute little brat :T)
   Welp it's finally Valentine's Day! I get to hangout with Tamaki which is cool. We agreed to meet up at his house since his family won't be there.
    I made my way to his house after putting on a sweater and jeans, it's pretty cold outside anyway. I knocked on his door and soon he came to open it. I smiled and waved at him as he invited me in.
    I sat on his couch and looked around. I've never been to his house before. It was pretty big for a house, it felt like a mansion, but maybe I'm just over exaggerating.
    "What do you want to do?" Tamaki asked. "Hmm.. movie?" I asked. He nodded and pointed to the shelf of movies. I walked over and looked through the movies he had and I chose this romance movie to get in the mood of the holiday. Hehe.
    I put it in and sat on the couch. Tamaki brought out some hot chocolate and cookies and put them on the coffee table in front of us. He gave me a blanket and sat down on the couch. I could tell he was nervous because he kept scooting away from me. I laughed a bit and smiled. "You don't have to feel uncomfortable around me, we're friends aren't we?" I asked. He nodded and scooted a bit closer to me. Honestly that's good enough, I'm just gonna watch the movie.
    Time skip to when the movie finishes cuz I'm a lazy bitch *dabs*
    When the movie finished, I felt content that the two people ended up together, but also sad that I don't have a significant other. Welp I'm forever alone. I stood up and took the movie out and but it back on the shelf where it belonged. I turn around and see Tamaki gone.
    "Uhh, Tamaki, where did you go?" I yelled through the house. I then saw him come out of a room holding a box. I looked at him with a confused look. Like sis I don't know what the hell is going on.
    He walked up to me and stared at the floor blushing. I just stood there smiling for no reason in particular. He grabbed my hands and pulled them up and put the box in my hands. "(Y-y/n), I've wanted to tell you this for a while now...... I l-like you.." he said while blushing hard. I looked at him and then the box and then back at him.
    I smiled super big and gave him a hug. "I like you too, Tamaki." I said. I looked down and opened the box to find chocolate and a letter. I opened the letter and read it aloud;
                 To (Y/n),
       Happy Valentine's Day, I hope you had a good one. If you are reading this than that means I have already confessed and you either denied or accepted. If you accepted, I have one more question to ask.......

                       Will you be my girlfriend?
                                         Love, Tamaki ;)

      I looked up at him and nodded. He smiled and hugged me. Then out of nowhere, he kissed me. It was short and sweet, this was my first kiss though.. heh. He quickly pulled away and apologized to me. "I'm so sorry!! I did that without thinking, and I didn't ask if you were alright with it.." he said. I laughed and put a hand on his shoulder. " I actually kinda liked it.." I said in hopes of cheering the cute baby up. He smiled and hugged me again.

         Well this didn't go as I expected it to, it was even better than what I expected it to be.
    Yo sisters it's me. I'm not dead and I'm so sorry for not posting, Ive been really busy. But I made it!! I'm so sorry if I'm disappointing y'all.. I'll try to post more often!! Also I have 270 reads and???? Thank you so much??? Thank y'all for supporting me this far and I really appreciate it a lot. Thank you very much!! Hope you liked this chapter and enjoy the rest of your day!!

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