Bakugou x Todoroki x Reader

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  So this is a request from someone who would prefer to remain anonymous, but, you know who you are, who requested this thanks! Now enjoy the story!(Sorry in advance for any grammar errors)
  Nobody's POV
  It was another day at UA high school, not a cloud to be seen in the beautiful sky. (Y/n) was on her way walking to school when she felt someone walk next to her. It was one of her best friends, Todoroki Shoto.

  What (Y/n) didn't know is that our poor boy Shoto, actually he's filthy rich :'), has a 'crush' on her. Obviously he never told her, "that would ruin their friendship" he would tell himself.

  Next to arrive to the fiesta was Bakugou Katsuki, the other best friend of (Y/n). He too, had a crush on her. Of course, he also told no one.

  Now you might understand the trouble here... Both boys like the same girl... but neither know the other likes her.? But there's a catch-

"So, did you guys do the homework?" (Y/n) asked the two boys.

"Of course shithead! I always do it!" Bakugou boasted.

  Todoroki just nodded his head, staying silent like the silent boy he was.

  (Y/n) smiled and gave a thumbs up to them.

  Soon the three made it to their classroom, sitting in their assigned seats.

  Todoroki sat behind (Y/n) and Bakugou sat all the way on the other side of the room.

  We all know that Bakugou would get jealous of that "half and half bastard". He would be fuming in his seat, glaring at the two. "She can't possibly like that piece of shit, no, no way" he would think to himself while he would examine Todoroki.

  He will admit, Todoroki has a nice build but what could he possibly have that Bakugou didn't? Nothing. Obviously, Bakugou was superior. It was all in his head. You didn't like Todoroki... right?

Time skip to a little before class ends~

  (Y/n) suddenly felt a light tap on her shoulder. Knowing it was Todoroki, she turned around and smiled at him.

"Hey, meet me during lunch on the rooftop. It's important." Was all Todo said before focusing once more on his studies.

'What could he possibly want..?' Thought (Y/n) as she continued on with her work.


  As the bell rang, Bakugou immediately stood up and ran over to (Y/n), grabbing her wrist before she could leave.

"Meet me at the rooftop. No exceptions." He said as he walked off.

  (Y/n) has no choice but to go to the rooftop to see the boys.

~At the rooftop~

  (Y/n) was standing with both boys in front of her, both looking at each other then looking at her.

"Go on..?" Said (Y/n).




"I fucking like you"
"I-I like you.."

  The confessions were made at the same time..

  (Y/n) stood there with her mouth open, heart skipping many beats, maybe a bit too many..

"So... who do you choose?" Said Todoroki.

  (Y/n)'s face heated up in embarrassment. She wanted both, but that would make people think she's a slut :( Also, how would Todo and Baku think of it? Well it was worth a try..

"I want both. I can't choose. I like you both." Said (Y/n).

  The two boys looked at each other with surprised faces. Never would they have thought they'd both get a chance.

"Oh great, now I have to support this dumb bastard in my head!" Said Baku, pointing to Todo. We all had a laugh and walked back to lunch together.

  "Thanks for being so chill about this guys." (Y/n) said as she pecked both of them on their cheeks.

  See? I told you there was a catch. There had to be one. Of course.
Thanks for reading! Sorry if it's kinda bad, u didn't give me a plot so I didn't really have many ideas as to where to go with this. Hope everyone enjoyed and I have another request that I'm working on that should be up sometime soon! Love ya sweets🤡💕


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