Hanta Sero x Reader (part 2)

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    Sorry this took so long to come out. My  internet here sucks so it's hard to post. But hey at least I didn't forget about y'all! Enjoy my story~
(Y/n)'s POV
    I felt a tap on my shoulder. I shuddered, knowing who it was from. When I turned around, I saw him. It was that black haired boy staring at me. "H-hey.." He said while rubbing the back of his neck shyly. He stood there for a bit looking at me but then realized he didn't even properly introduce himself to me. "S-sorry. My name is Hanta Sero!! Nice to meet you! Sorry about staring at you earlier.. I just really like your costume!" He said blushing. I laughed and looked at my costume. "Thanks! Yours is really cool too!" I said. "You really think so?" He asked. "Definitely!" I said back, smiling. He looked at me and smiled. 'He's kinda cute..' I thought. "The name's (Y/n)! Nice to meet you too!" I said to him.
Time skip brought to you by Sero's tape arms
    When the apprehension test ended, Aizawa- sensei gave us our scores. 'Looks like I came in 5th' I thought. I looked to see who came in last and it was this kid named 'Izuku Midoriya' which I think is the green head. 'Too bad..' I thought to myself.
As I was walking away I heard someone yell my name. I turned around and saw Sero, running toward me, wailing his hands. I laughed and walked up to him. "What's up Hanta?" I asked. "Just came here to congratulate you for passing!! You did really good!" He said to me, smiling really wide.
I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment. "Aww thanks, you too!" I said back. He smiled and laughed as he walked back to his friends. I looked at him and smirked. 'He's a keeper!' I thought to myself.
     Time skip to 2 months later ( idk why so specific lol)
    (Y/n)'s POV
    When the bell rang signaling lunch, I got up and started packing up my stuff. When I finished I walked over near Sero and waited for him to finish up before we headed out.
    As we headed out, he grabbed my wrist. "I-I.... uhh... (Y/n)?" He asked me. "Hm?" I responded. "C-can we go back to the classroom? I-I think I forgot something there.." he said, blushing while looking away.
    I laughed and nodded. When we got back to the classroom, it was empty. He walked over to his desk and I followed. He looked over at me and then looked at the floor.
     "A-actually.." he started, "I-I didn't forget anything.. I just need to tell you something." He said. I looked at him, tilting my head to the side a bit in confusion. He looked up at me and smiled a sweet smile. "Ah geez... how do I put this.." He said. He then put his hand on my cheek and cupped it. I looked at him in surprise and blushed. "(Y/n)... I think I'm in love with you!" He said to me.
    I froze in place, mouth slightly open from the shock. I looked up at him and shyly smiled. I blushed and cupped his hand on my cheek. "I-I think I love you too, Hanta" I said. He smirked and leaned in. I felt his warm lips brush against mine. He finally closed the gap, kissing me. I was tense at first, but soon melted into the sweet kiss.
    We soon pulled away for air, my arms around his neck as his were around my waist. I grinned and touched my lips with one of my hands. He looked at me and smirked. "First kiss?" He said, sounding kind of evil. I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, but I'm glad it's you!" I said and hugged him.  He smiled and hugged me tighter. I smiled and rubbed my nose into his neck. He let go of me and grabbed his hands on my shoulders and looked at me seriously. "So, does this mean we're a thing now?" He asked. "Of course!!" I said. "U-unless you don't want to?!" I exclaimed worriedly. He laughed and hugged me in yet another tight embrace. "Of course I want to, (Y/n)." He said while petting my hair.
        "Of course..." He repeated.
    HEY GUYS ITS ME YO BIACH BACKK. Sorry it took so long to update, all of my progress got deleted so I had to redo this. Also, I'm really busy but I'll make sure to still post. Also, ALMOST 200 VIEWS??!!!? TYSMMMM OOF BROTHA THAT WAS A HIT UPSIDE MY STUPID ASS HEAD. THANK YALL FOR READING THIS!! Anyway have a nice day or whatever time it is where your reading this~

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