Dabi x Scared!Male!Reader

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⚠️angst is ahead so read at your own risk⚠️
Thank you to @mademoiselle_bun55 for requesting this and I hope you and everyone else enjoy this! I've never done an angst before so I hope you enjoy it!
Dabi's POV
  It was raining outside today. Pretty rough to be honest. It made me start to worry about (Y/n) and his fear of being alone. 'Who knows what could happen with him alone during the storm..' I thought to myself.

I decided to do my job and go visit him to see if he was holding up alright by himself. Since I didn't have a car, I walked to his house. I'm not stupid enough to not bring an umbrella, it's a necessity right now.

I got to (Y/n)'s house and knocked on the door. After a minute or two the door finally opened to reveal him, his face red from what seemed like tears.

"Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Y-yeah... just got scared.. I was really lonely.." (Y/n) responded as he let me in. I hugged him and told him it was alright, that I was now here to spend time with him.

"Let me make you some ramen for comfort, you go watch a movie." I said to (Y/n) and he nodded.

I walked into his kitchen and grabbed the ingredients and started making ramen.

The ramen was done, so I called (Y/n) to come eat. He ran to the table and stared at the meal with wide eyes as I made a small smile at him.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Jeez impatient much?" I said sarcastically.

(Y/n) just rolled his eyes and started to eat once I placed the food infront of him.

I waited for him to finish and I washed up. I turned around when I finished and saw he was sleepy.

"Let me put you to bed." I said to (Y/n).

He just nodded and followed me to his bedroom. He laid down and got comfortable. I slowly pulled the sheets over his frail body and said a low "Good Night.". Once he was fully asleep I snuck out and walked back to my apartment.

As I got into my apartment, I noticed that the sky was beautiful. I started to look out my window and slowly became more and more sleepy.

Soon, I went to bed and woke up late the next day..

-Next day-

I woke up and it was 4:30 pm. Dang, did I really sleep in that much? I know I hit the alarm a lot but that much? Wow..

I got up and decided to take a nice shower. As I got out, I changed into some comfy clothes. I walked out into my living room and saw that there was a thunderstorm outside, it was way worse than yesterday's storm..
(Y/n) is probably really scared since it's dark and he is all alone.. I mean I wouldn't blame him, he has windows everywhere in his house.

I got some shoes on and a coat, grabbed my umbrella and ran out of my apartment.

As I walked to (Y/n)'s house, I admired the refreshing scent of the rain hitting the dirt. It smells so fresh and heavenly.. I oddly like it..

I soon got to his house and noticed the front door was open.

'That's weird, he never does that..' I thought as I opened the door, only to see the mess that was in his house.

Vases, plates and windows were shattered. Cables were ripped out of their places. There were scratch marks on all of the furniture. Some doors were broken. There was food all over the floor..

'What happened?? Is (Y/n) ok?' I thought as I started to yell out for (Y/n). He has to be here... right? This can't be it.. not yet.

I searched for him for hours in that hell hole and could barely breath from the liquid pouring from my eyes.

He was nowhere to be found.

The thought of that hurt my heart as I yelled for him.

'The one damn promise you were supposed to keep... you broke! You useless shit!" I swore at myself mentally.

What was worse is that there were ice shards scattered across the house, some in the backyard too.

'Could his quirk have done this? I should have protected him better. This is all my fault!'I thought.

He saw one last glimpse of (Y/n) as he slowly started to black out from the crying and his killer headache.
So yeet ik that was probs trash I'm so sorry I hope you like it! I didn't know how to make this at first but I tried my best! Please don't be afraid to give me feedback and to the rest of you please, keep the requests coming! Also, thanks for over 2k views!! Love y'all~

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