Shinso x Reader

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Am back wif content for my hoes. Also love that pic of shinso sksk.Thank you for the patience! Enjoy.
(Y/n) POV
  Tomorrow is going to be the first school party of the year, exciting i guess.

  The day went like usual, everything the same. Same content, same goofing around in class, same people.

  What always made my days better was Shinso. He might not seem like much on the outside but he has so much to him.. so many qualities people don't see in him.

  Anyways, i always hangout with him during lunch since i'm in hero course and he isn't.. poor boy i think he deserves to be apart of our course..

"Hey, (Y/n), over here!!" he said.

  I looked his way and immediately smiled at him. Did i mention how cute he is?? 🥺🥺🥺

"How was class?" I asked as i sat down across from him.

"Normal. Boring." How bout' you?" he responded while playing with his food a bit.

"Me too, nothing new. Just everyone going on and on about the school party in the gym." i said.

  Shinso just hummed, cheeks slightly tinted at the mention of the party, and continued eating as did i. There was now silence, it wasn't uncomfortable, though. I liked it.

-TiMe SkIp;)-

  It's Friday and it's the school party is today so i have to wear something nice. Yes it is during school so that's easy for us that don't drive to school lol.

  I decided on (outfit) cuz i know i rock this. CuZ GORL IM FABBBB!!💕💕

  Once i got to school, the beginning of it was normal but for the last 3 classes we would be in the gym partying.

  I volunteered to help decorate cuz i'm a GR EA T student.

  Soon came lunch in the middle of the day, which was just me and Shinso time.

"(Y/n), i'm here!!" he yelled.

  I smiled and walked over to him and waved.

"Well someone looks nice today.." Shinso said playfully.

"Hah, could say the same to you.." i responded.

  We continued to chat about anything and everything, the usual. Also eat, because you need to eat girl, don't starve yourself.🤡👍

  Time passed by quickly, bringing us to party time!!!! WOOHOOOO!🥳🥳

  Me and Shinso were just chilling on some chairs at a random table when a song came on that made me grab him and pull him to dance with the crowd.

  It was fun, we drank juice, ate sweets, danced a whole bunch until our feet bled. ''Twas a wholesome day.

  -Le tImE sKiP-

  It was almost time to leave but for the last song, the DJ put a slow song, (idk smth like Perfect by Ed Sheeran) and i was pulled by Shinso, who was sweating buckets from all the other dancing, to dance this last song.

  What was off is that everyone made room in the middle of the dance floor for us to dance. Alone. Nobody else was dancing. Just us. They were just staring.

"Shinso, what's going on?" i asked as i continued to smoothly dance with him.

"This." he just monotonously said as he dipped me and kissed my lips.

  Once we broke it i looked at him at slapped his shoulder.

"I hate you! You know i don't like all this attention. If you liked me you should've just said so stupid!"

"Hah i guess so, but it wouldn't be as special would it now?" Shinso replied as he dipped me again for another kiss.
short ff i'm sorry for not posting i've been busy cuz i missed 2 weeks of school and i'm trying to still catch up with everyone and it's fucking hard😭😭 please i hope you enjoyed and make sure to comment cuz i love reading your comments💕💕💕✌️

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