Scenario: How they react to you wanting to cuddle.

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take some kaidou pls.⬆️
This is just how i think they will react so if it's not what you thought then i'm sorry and comment what you think i should've put. Enjoy!!
He would be so embarrassed on the outside but inside his stomach is doing flips. He would probably be a bit hesitant at first to cuddle but would eventually agree after a bit of convincing. I feel like he would be a great cuddler, (is that a word??) like he would be so shy and just nuzzle his lil freckle face into your neck, softly smiling to himself. His once weak arms would just shakily wrap around your waist and yeah.

This god of a child would also probs wanna cuddle with you but yknow he wouldn't admit it. He would slightly blush and look away everytime you would ask, deep inside knowing he wanted to cuddle, just attempting to convince himself otherwise. After a while of begging, he would probs say something like "SHUT UP NERD! F-Fine, i'll cuddle with you. It's not like i want to or anything anyway.." cuz i feel like this boy would be a tsundere.(no but like if someone were to hit on u he would snap fr doe) You would probs rest your head on his chest while holding him close. Bet he would just stare at you not wanting to admit how in love he is.

This guy would probs not need much convincing to cuddle, he would just shrug honestly. The convo would go like this:(my opinion)
you: ShotoOoo can we cuddleeee ;(
him: i guess *shrugs*
you:yAAAY *squeezes the living shit outta todo*
you: o fuc he some mayo an ketchup now😭
ok that was a joke at the end but you get my point i think. he would secretly be very excited and maybe even have the smallest blush on his face.(WAAAA BABYYYY) He would be big spoon to ur cereal bowl doe. Like y'all in bed and he would just put his head on ur shoulder while staring at the side of your face, slightly blushing. cute.

Sonic Wannabe
  i'm sorry but i'm not. So tenya would probs go off about how he has to focus on his studies and how there is homework to do instead- cut that bitch off with a quick peck on the lips. he lookin at u like:

You tell him to shut up and just start clinging to him

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You tell him to shut up and just start clinging to him. He would just sigh and give in and just lay down on the couch with you. He would probs put on the sonic movie and y'all would just cuddle while watching and snacking. He glancing at ur beautiful face and would quickly (blushing like a tomato) peck ur cheek.

ok back to the point i feel like you wouldn't even have to ask him cuz he would just already be on it. I feel like he would be such a loving and supportive significant other tho so he comes over to your room/dorm and immediately just cuddles with you so it's something that y'all will never run out of. I feel like he would like holding you in his arms bc he would feel so MaNlY protecc u.

  he was prepared to cuddle since birth fr doe. when u asked he immediately just was like :
chief my time to deploy has come
so y'all layed down and started watching pokémon while cuddling in bed. i feel like it would be just a normal cuddle but occasionally he would softly squeeze ur booty cheeks. this boy may be beautiful and cute but he still a hoe. but i feel like if your dating him you knew that and accept that or you either should smack his hand away from ur butt or just accept the fact that the end is near. jokes aside, he loves you so much so he tries to just make you feel happy and protected, like a true princess should.

  i feel like he's that kind of guy that like nobody can hug or be touchy with other than you, that's how much he cares for you. so when you ask he'd just be like "ok sure" and i feel like he would either hug you while your in his lap or like spoon. i feel like he could either be big or small spoon it just depends on how he feels that day. like maybe one day you get home and see him sleeping, so you go and get in bed and cuddle him from behind, spooning him. he would probs just lightly smile to himself cuz ur too cute yeet

  this is the last one for now, comment if u want more lol. so all might would probs be a bit flustered at the thought of cuddling but would be on board to try anything with you, as long as you are happy. y'all would probably just cuddle on the bed while just talking about how y'all's day went, while staring into each others eyes or smth cute like that. he a very good boy and so are you. he would probs smother you in kisses to show just how much he loves your existence. you are literally the whole world to him.

until we meet again fellow viewers!

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