Hanta Sero x Reader (Part 1)

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Ok before we start, let us appreciate baby Sero that I found. SO DAMN CUTE!!! Ok back to the story! Enjoy~
    No ones POV
You opened the door lazily to class 1-A. You were tired from staying up all night trying to calm yourself down about today being the first day. You walked in and sat in the corner next to a window. You looked out of the window, drowning in your own thoughts. 'Do these people even know I'm here? Should I say something? What if they don't like me? I mean, I would get if they didn't...', you thought to yourself. You soon heard the door slam open, seeing a man in a sleeping bag. "Hello students, I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa." He said tiredly. He slipped out of his sleeping bag and stoop up, walking over to the front of the classroom. "Today we will be doing a quirk apprehension test. Whoever comes in last will be kicked out of  U.A..." Aizawa said, holding up gym clothes. "Go change into this and meet me outside." He added. You looked around and saw everyone either groaning or cheering.
    As you walked to the girls locker room, you felt a hard tap on your shoulder. You turned around and saw a girl standing there. She had bright pink hair and light pink skin. She had black eyes with little orange hues in them. She had a big toothy grin on her face. "Hey there! My name is Mina Ashido, nice to meet you! I saw you over in the classroom and thought why not talk to you? Heh.." Mina said as she rubbed the back of her neck and grinned sheepishly. You looked at her and smiled a bit, reaching your hand out to hers. "The name's (y/n)." You said. Mina warmly took your hand into her's and lightly shook it. "I'm very excited to become friends with you!" Mina said hopefully. You nodded your head and walked into the locker room.
Time skip brought to you by the power of Pac-Man and his hipsterness.
    A/n: you can imagine your costume to be however you want but your quirk is "Air Control" basically you can control the molecules in the air to make them do what you want them to. But if you use your quirk too much, you get flakey, dry skin and you get dehydrated.( cuz like air and water ya know??)
After changing, you walked out to the meeting area. As you walked you spotted a familiar figure. It was Mina, so you walked over to her. "Nice costume! It looks super cute on you (y/n)!!" Mina said, spinning you around to get a view of the back. You smiled at her and blushed a bit. "Y-you too!" You said back.
You felt a shiver go down your back... as if someone was staring at you. You looked around and saw a guy with long black hair, blushing while staring at you. 'Why is he staring at me? Is it actually me he is staring at? I'm not even that pretty..' All of these thoughts ran through your mind as you finally realized you were staring directly at him..'Well shit..' you thought. You quickly looked away, trying to pretend that you weren't looking at him. Soon, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. When you turned around to see who it was... it was him.
Hey guys sorry it took SO long to publish this.. it's just I'm moving and I am super busy. I am so sorry for pulling this shit on y'all like this but it's just the stupid truth. Life fucking sucks like asshole but I'm just glad y'all are still here reading. This story already has 122 VIEWS?!? Like holy shit guys that's a lot.. I am very grateful! Anyway enough of my bullshit and just have a happy Thanksgiving!! Thank you!!

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