Tenya Iida x Reader

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    Hey guys! Let me just say... THANK YOU ALL FOR READING MY ONE-SHOT (ᗒᗩᗕ) I'm very glad you are here with me. Good job for making it this far. Anyway, onto the fanfic!
No ones POV
You were running down the hall to class 1-A. You were running late because you accidentally slept in. When you got there, you slowly opened the big door. You ran to your seat, hoping you wouldn't get noticed. To your luck, Aizawa still wasn't in the classroom. As you walked to your seat, you could feel a certain pair of eyes stare at you. You felt a cool shiver go down your spine as you sat down. You sat down and yawned. You came so quickly, you forgot to eat breakfast and you came with your bed head. You looked out of the window and sighed.
Tenya's POV
    Oh gosh, I thought, she over slept again. She still had a bed head and her uniform is a mess. But to her advantage, she looks cute with her bed hea- WHAT ARE YOU THINKING TENYA!!! THIS IS YOUR CLASSMATE!! YOU ARE CLASS PRESIDENT! I shook my head trying to stop these horrid thoughts skimming through my mind. I don't know how to be more truthful. I have had a crush on (y/n) for a while now. Her smile makes me happy, her presence makes the world colorful and bright, she is a sight for sore eyes. I love her, no doubt, but I just can't possibly believe that she would like a dump such as myself. Only Midoriya knows about this, which makes it even more nerve wracking. He always tells me that I should confess to (y/n) but I can never work up that courage. But, it's now or never.
No ones POV
    (Y/n) was sitting in her seat, waiting for time to pass. She then felt a strange feeling... as if she was being.. watched. She turned around and looked around the room until her eyes met a certain pair. It was Tenya, he was staring at her. Tenya quickly looked away, blushing a deep shade of red. She looked at him and giggled, smiling her bright smile that had made Tenya weak in the knees.
Class soon ended as she shot up out of her seat. She grabbed her stuff and started headed off to lunch. As (y/n) walked, she felt a strong grip on her wrist. She looked back and saw Tenya, gripping onto her wrist. "(Y/n), I need to talk to you.." he said. (Y/n) looked at him and nodded. "I.... l-like you.." the tall man said, blushing. (Y/n) looked at him and giggled. "I like you too." (Y/n) said, smiling a wide smile. "N-not like friends... I l-lo" was all he could get out as (y/n) leaned in, on her tippy toes. She brushed her lips against his and soon closed the remaining space. Tenya blushed a deep color, surprised that she liked him back.
    (Y/n) POV
    As I leaned in, I felt a light blush go onto my face. Why am I doing this?? Will he like it? Was all I could think when then my lips met his. I stood there for a moment but soon closed the small amount of space left. I kissed him... WAIT... I KISSED HIM!!! I KISSED MY CRUSH!! AND HE LIKES ME BACK!! I smiled into the kiss, looking into Tenya's beautiful ocean eyes. We then broke apart for air, blushing deep shades of red. I started to turn away, when all of a sudden, Tenya pulled me by the waist and leaned in again, this time making it deeper.
    I put my hands on his head, ruffling his soft hair. He smiled into the kiss and held me closer. We let go for breath again and we looked at each other. "S-so.. does t-that mean??" I asked him, looking at the floor. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Yes. I-I mean if you want to?!?" He said, fidgeting.
     I kissed his cheek and smiled. "Of course!" I said, smiling my widest smile. He smiled at that and then hugged me, spinning me around in the air. He finally put me down and motioned for us to go to lunch. I nodded, smiling again. I intertwined our hands as we walked down the hall to the lunchroom. I looked up at him. Man, how lucky am I to have my crush confess to me, kiss me, ask me out, and hold hands with me, all in one day??!? I am so glad to be alive right now! I thought.
    I looked up at Tenya and smiled. "I love you Tenya, to the moon and back!" I said while smiling. He looked down at me and smiled too. "I love you too, (y/n). More than you can even imagine."
    Hey brothers it's me! Sorry if it took a hot minute to post this, I have been busy with school and stuff but hey! At least I'm alive!! Thank you all for making it this far in my shitty one-shot book! I hope you like it! I am very glad you are all here with me on this journey! <3~
Also, thanks to tpostthanoscar for suggesting me to do an Iida x Reader ;3 anyway thanks for reading!

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