Katsuki Bakugo x Reader

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Hey guys! I'm back at it again making x readers! I will try my best to entertain y'all and please don't forget to request! Enjoy~
It was late, and you were locking up the cafe you work at. Your manager had left earlier due to a problem that appeared at her house.

Once you finally finished, you began to walk to your house. You didn't own a car and you didn't live too far from the cafe, soo.. walking wasn't that bad.

To get to your house, you had to go through an alley. As you approached the alley, you heard strange noises. A little too strange for your liking.(fuck this shit I'm out lol jk)

You decided to get over yourself and walk because like who knew maybe it was nothing and you were just hallucinating.

You walked into the alley with a can of pepper spray in your back pocket, ready to fire that shit on anyone that comes to get you. You put your hand on the pepper spray Incase if anything happens...

The more you walked through the alley the more suspicious your got.
This doesn't seem right, there's gotta be more to this stupid alley. I can't be the only one. Let's just make a run for it because I'm an idiot and you know what we're all going to die someday why not make my day today.
You ran through the alley. As you were getting close to the end, a monster jumped into your front, making you scream.

"Get away from me you disgusting slob." You said as you attempted to karate kick him even though you don't know karate. The poor dude blew into pieces like how are you so staring, naw I'm just kidding y'all he actually at you.

You were stuck inside the monster, attempting to scream for any help at all. Soon, you lost all hope, nobody was gonna come.

As you were accepting the fact you were gonna die, a figure stood at the front of the alley.

"Get the fuck away from her you slimey runt!" The figure said.

Soon you felt a slight pressure on your abdomen and next thing you knew, the figure was carrying you to somewhere.

"What are we doing?" You asked to the man you finally recognized. You gasped.
"Katsuki? Is that you?" You asked.
"Yes, it's me. Also I'm taking you to my house since I have no idea where yours is. You can stay the night and I'll bring you to your house in the morning. It's too dangerous for a lady to be walking around all alone, especially because of how late it is." He said.

You just nodded. Katsuki is a superhero, very famous. What many don't know is that you guys have been friends since childhood. So you guys hangout a lot when he's not busy. What nobody knows is that you have a little.. crush on Katsuki. Nobody needs to know... (omg nObOdY nEeDs tO kNoW: say no to this: hamilton SKSK)

As you guys pulled up to his house, he put you down. He went and unlocked the door, allowing you to go in.

His house wasn't too big nor small. It was nice and comfy, and surprisingly clean. It was well organized.

"Here, take my sweater, it's cold. Go change into it."

You took the sweater and went into his bathroom. When you finished changing, you went over to his couch and sat down. You smelt a familiar smell of food and looked behind you.

You saw Katsuki cooking some eggs and rice. You walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. He looked at you, intensely to be exact.

"What do you want, Y/n?" He asked in an annoyed voice.

"Don't make that voice at me Katsuki, you know I'm not THAT bad. Wait I take that back I'm horrible." You said as you chuckled a bit to lighten the mood.

"Sorry, I'm not mad at you or anything, just work stresses me out." He said, a hint of softness in his eyes, soon fading away.

You just nodded and wrapped your arms around him into a hug which surprised Katsuki a bit.

"Fuck Y/n, you know what? I can't hold this in any longer." He said.

You looked at him in a confused way but right when you opened your mouth to speak, he smashed his lips onto yours.

You didn't know how to react, so you didn't at first, which worried Katsuki. You soon started to match his pace as you warmed up to the kiss.

Katsuki smirked as he finally pulled away, arms around your waist. You smiled at him, a smile he's never seen before, a smile you didn't know you had. It was a loving smile, happy smile, a gorgeous smile.

"I love you too Katsuki." You said as you played with the strands of his hair.

He smiled a small smile and hugged you tighter. Soon you smelt something burning, forgetting that you guys were making eggs and rice.

"Katsuki! The food!" You yelled.

He quickly turned around and turned off the stove. He quickly ran to get water to but out the fire as you stood there not knowing what to do. Because you didn't know what to do, you were screaming "Katsuki we need a sacrifice to satisfy the fire gods" which mas him go off at you, forgetting about the fire.

That ended very well, you guys put out the fire but it still burnt some of his house down. Welp, it wasn't your fault, you just were giving advice🤷‍♀️

The End<3
Omg y'all I wrote this all this morning so I hope you enjoy this random fic I wrote. I'm back in business y'all yeehaw. Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment and request! Also there is someone who was like reading my story and voting on it so you probs know who you are thank you so much!! It means SOO much! Also thank y'all for 1k reads like I didn't expect this story to get that many reads! For that, I will try my best for y'all and I will make the best stories I can make. Don't forget to request and have an amazing day/night you beautiful person!!

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