High School AU!Aizawa x Smug!Reader

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this was the first request so it's the first one i'm doing, please be patient with me. request by @precious_eri thanks sooo much y'all for requesting lol i am so bad at writing lol :) i wanna make this a high school au
Aizawa POV
  Another day of boring classes ahead, just like every other day. I kind of always looked forward to going to school everyday, not that i would admit that to anyone. Why, you ask? T-That's private... Ok.. FINE. Just don't tell anyone.

I-I like (Y/n)..

  There!! I said it, now will you stop pestering me?? As i was saying, i am just on my way to the classroom. I take my seat and just sit there, staring  at the floor.

"Hey, Sho, what's up?"

  I could hear her smirk from a mile away. I turned and looked her in the eyes.

"Leave me alone (Y/n). How many times do i have to tell you to not talk to me in the mornings??" i said in a tired tone.

  She just rolled her eyes and sat down near some female classmates. As soon as that, class had begun.

As time passed, it soon was the last class of the day. This class was hero studies, so it wasn't all that bad.

The teacher walked into the classroom, smile on his face.

"Hey kiddos! How's it going? Ya miss me?" he said in a joking manner.

Everyone started making chaos in the classroom, kids yelling, hitting their desks, kids arguing, it was a mess.

"Hey! That's enough. Anyways class, today we will be continuing what we started training yesterday but now it will be against real people. Put on your hero outfits and meet me outside at the field." the teacher said and left.

Everyone just nodded their heads and went into the changing rooms.

"Ok class, so you will have to partner up. Today we will be practicing 1v1 battles. Please, be careful, don't go too hard. The point of this is for you to learn to find your enemy's weaknesses and to be a better observer. You may begin." he said and left to probably go do some paperwork that he forgot to do, i mean he is a pretty clumsy guy.

"Hey Sho! Wanna go up against me? Not like you'd win anyways." (Y/n) said smirking.

I stared right into her eyes.
"I mean, since you asked so nicely.." i said.

When i finished that sentence, she lunged at me, trying to get in a punch.

If you didn't know, (Y/n)'s quirk has to do with touch. It's a quirk where if she touches someone with her hands, she can control their emotions. Yes mx it might sound like a useless quirk but trust me, it's a doozy. The thing about (Y/n) is that she trained her body a lot, knowing that her quirk doesn't work on robots etc, so she is a very strong individual. That's something i admire about her. She is just so strong, inside and out.

  I used my quirk to disable her quirk so i could attack her, but she ducked and grabbed me by the arm and slung me to the ground.

"Good try, Aizawa. Maybe you should just give up, you know where this is gonna go." she said.

  I took a glance at her and quickly got up, catching her by surprise. I punched her in the stomach and she fell to the ground. I put my arms on her wrists and my legs at her thighs.

"You sure about that?" i said slyly.

"I don't think you get it. You can't win." she responded as she kneed me in the balls and touched my arm, controlling me.

"You wouldn't hurt me would you, Sho?" she asked.



"Then surrender, give me the win." she said.


"ok, i surrender." i said as i later on the floor, hands up.

"Great match guys! Sad to see Aizawa give up so easily!" the teacher said.

  I can't remember anything, what happened. I remember fighting (Y/n)... oh. She probably got me with her quirk, huh?

"Shit, (Y/n). How can you be so cocky but make me still feel this way for you?" i said, my eyes boring into hers.

"Well well well, look what we have here. Is Sho in love with me? What an honor!" she teased.

  I rolled my eyes and whispered for her to meet me after school at my house, then walked away. I'm not really mad that i lost. I didn't really care about the fight that much anyways.
i'm so sorry if this isn't what u wanted but i tried :/ pls tell me if u liked it and i'll make sure to get all those other requests so pls be patient. thanks for requesting guys!! stay safe!

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