Katsuki Bakugo x Reader

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    Ok so here is my shitty fanfic. Oh also warning there is gonna be a fuck ton of cursing because it's bakugo. Like I don't already curse in my regular fanfics.
    It was a cold day today as you walked down the street to your best friends house to go to school together. You were shivering but tried to  hide it. You looked around, waiting for him to open the door. You then heard a sudden 'click' and looked up. You saw Katsuki, wearing a jacket and scarf with gloves. You looked away and started walking. He ran out to catch up with you. "(Y/n) wait up!!" He shouted as you stopped and turned.
"Don't do this damn shit this early in the morning (y/n)..." Katsuki said as he breathed in and out. You looked at him and blushed. You started to speed up but felt something warm grab a hold of your hand. You looked back and saw that Katsuki had grabbed your hand. "Why the fuck are you running from me (y/n)? Did I do something wrong?" He said as a worried look crept onto his face. You shook your head and smiled. You opened your mouth to speak but just shrieked because a cold wind blew onto your body, making you freeze. Katsuki saw this and grabbed his jacket and draped it around your shoulders. You felt the warmth from his jacket transfer to your cold body. You then blushed, looking away. " Thank you. I am not mad, it's just.." you paused as you pulled up to UA High School.
    You have had a crush on Katsuki for a while now. He was perfect to you. Most people hated him and couldn't believe that you hung out with him. They couldn't believe such a kind person like you became friends with Mister King Explosion Murder. You didn't really care what they thought though, you loved Katsuki for who he was and how cute he was when he was angry.
"We need to get to class.." you said as you ran to class. He ran behind you but then just gave up trying to talk to you and sat in his seat. You put your head in your hands, blushing. 'How could you have almost said your all time biggest secret to him (y/n)?!?!??'
You thought as you internally screamed at yourself. When you finally calmed down, you looked up and waited for the teacher. When Aizawa came in, you gave him your full attention. After class ended, you grabbed all of your stuff. As you walked to lunch, you felt a soft tap on the shoulder. You turned around and saw Katsuki. "I'm sorry.." Katsuki said, looking away as a slight blush spread across his puffy cheeks. You looked at him in surprise, not understanding why he was apologizing. "Why are you apologizing?" I asked him, giggling. He looked at me and sighed. "You're mad at me, aren't you?" He asked. I burst out laughing, "No I'm not!"
He looked at me and then took a step closer. I looked up at him and smiled. "I need to tell you something very important." I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Oh yeah? What could that important thing be?" He said as he smirked. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in. I felt his lips brush mine as I filled in the gap. I could feel Katsuki smirk into the kiss. He then pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. We then broke apart for air. "Don't make me worry like that you shitty nerd." Katsuki grunted. You then looked at him and smiled. "I love you too Katsuki." You said as he smirked and pulled you in for another kiss, sweet and tender this time. You smiled into the kiss and as you broke apart. " You know, I love you, shit head." You whispered into his ear as you both walked hand in hand down the hall. He started blushing like crazy, trying to hide it by looking away from you. You could still see his pink ears, thinking about how cute he was. You were glad that it was him you fell for, you wouldn't have chosen anyone else. He was just... perfect. You smiled and giggled at him, making him blush deeper. "SHUT THE FUCK UP SHITTY NERD!!" He yelled as he looked away again. Your smile grew wider as you leaned in and kissed his cheek. "You are so cute sometimes Katsuki." You said to him. "Not as cute as you.." you heard him mumble. You laughed and squeezed his hand, happy that you made the right decision.
Welp that was my Katsuki x Reader. Next I'm doing a Tenya x Reader because my friend requested it and I don't want to let her down. Thanks for all the view, I am very glad to have all of you here! (◡‿◡✿) well thanks again and I hope you have a great rest of your day. :3~ oh credit to tpostthanoscar for the idea ;3

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