Youtuber!Denki x Fan!Reader

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sorry it took forever to get this out but here it is! enjoy please and thanks to @Vanillachocolane for requesting.
(Y/n)'s POV
"Hey guys, welcome back to another video with your sexy boy, me! Make sure to give a like if you enjoy and subscribe because it helps the channel out a lot! Anyways, on with the video!" Denki started off the new video.

  Yes. He is a Youtuber. He actually does gaming(idk i feel like he would be a gamer youtuber lol) in the community. He is a pretty well respected gaming channel, with almost 2 million subscribers, me being one of them.

  I am a really a big fan of him like i buy all of his merch, i like all of his videos, i comment nice things on them all, i also follow him on every social media. I'm not a stalker or anything, just a HUGE fan of him yeeyee

  Denki decided that he was going to do a world tour with some friends ((kurtis conner who)) and (where you live) was LUCKILY one of the places he was going to be stopping off.

  On the post he made about the tour and the costs, he said that if you paid extra, you would be able to go to the fan meeting the next day, which is AWESOME!!

  You know ya sis gonna be payin extra💀💀 we payin till we broke hunny😭😭 take all my money stupid ass.-.

-1 month later-
  Well today is the event and i'm just getting myself ready along with (name of one of ur friends and if u have none put shrek or if u want me lol we can be friends :D).

"fReAk, i'm SOOO nervous, like what if i'm too loud and he makes fun of me? i've seen that happen in those videos. What if tomorrow at the fan meet i say something wrong..." i continued to blabber on an on about how nervous i am because i mean Denki is like my idol, i look up to him but secretly am crushing on him. (😉 ik we all have a celebrity that we just crush so hard on i think)

Nobody's POV

"Girl STFU you looking so BEAUTIFUL, you are perfect, no way something will go wrong! You gotta believe in yourself bitch!" your friend replied to you while snapping in a 'z'.

  You laughed with (y/f/n) and hit them on the shoulder.

"I hate you bitch but in a good way." you say and roll your eyes.

"I love you too sis" *(y/f/n) blows a thicc kiss to you*


-skip to event-
  After waiting hours for the event to open up, finally it started up. Everyone went to their seats and those who were up close were standing in a mess.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!" you and your friend screeched (tbh same sis)

  When Denki finally walked up on stage, the crowd went SO WILD IT WAS DEFINING! Ears almost bled so that fun right?

"Hey guys! It's your one and only sexy boy, Denki! Hope we are all having a great time so far huh?" he said with a big smile, making all the girls swoon.

-time skip to the next day-
  'Last night was fun', (Y/n) thought,
'Denki was so much funnier in person... and cute too! ARGhhhhhH wtf am i thinking.. he'd never date a hoe like me😭😭(Y/n) continued in her head.

  Welp it was best to get ready to go to the fan meet since it was like 11:30 and the meeting was at 12:30, like you had to get there earlier since ya know it's a bit far away, like 45 min drive :/

  After wearing (your fav outfit that u feel badass in) you picked up your friend and started heading over to the meet up place.

  You got there and just waited outside (idk how fan meets work pls don't sue me) in a long line of fans.

"i hope it goes well.." you said while fidgeting with your feet.

"bitch calm down you'll be good, just be you sis!!" your friend assured you.

  You just sighed and nodded. 'Let's just hope so..' you thought.

-denki arrived and the fan meet starts-

  Everyone gets into a neater line and starts going inside to meet the handsome celebrity.

  You were nervous as your turn was nearing, oh how Denki was so nice to all fans, like you'd ever have a chance right?

  "Next in line." some person part of the security said.

  You took a deep breath and nodded as you shakily walked over to Denki. You sat down in front of him quietly.

"Hey, I'm Denki- W-wait you probably already know that, i-i mean- uhhhh.." he started blushing.

"S-sorry.." you mumbled to him.

"Why dont you look at me? Am i that scary?" he said with a small smile.

"N-No not at ALL.. i'm just kinda nervous and don't want to mess anything up.. sorry again.." you said and poured a bit at him.

"Hey, calm down, i'm just a human haha" he said in a chill tone.

  He looked down at the merch you wanted him to sign and tmstarted writing something, a bit to long to be his signature.

"Call me" ;) he whispered as the security came to take you out.

  Your jaw dropped and you couldn't seem to pick it up.

"W-what.. the actual heck!?!?" you yelled at yourself and started doing a small victory dance, screeching. But what you didn't know was that a certain someone couldn't help but watch you do your stupid dance and chuckle to himself.

'She's a keeper huh..'
sorry if this sucks i'm just having writers block and i'm having so many problems that i need to just fix and it's really messing with me, so i'm sorry. hope you enjoyed and for those of you that care, no need to worry about me, i'm feeling better after a small break. thanks for all the support again!! like we hit 40k+ and i really don't know how this story got so many views cuz it's so crap but i really am so thankful for your support guys! ily and stay safe!! if you need someone to talk to once again y'all can reach me @taroochippi on instagram so if u need a friend or someone i'm free to dm. nite💕💫💫🌟⭐️✨

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