Alpha!Mirio x Omega!Reader

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    Ok so this was requested by @cartoonscutie
    So how this went at first was me freaking out about this cuz I didn't know shit about Alpha and Omega. I asked my best friend and she didn't know either so then I resorted to the worst thing.... my sister (lol jk luv you sis) Anyway, I asked her and she told me that and Alpha is the high ranked wolf, like the leader of the pack. An Omega, is a low ranked wolf, someone not many wolves really care about. So I did some research and that's the same thing I found on the internet. I'm making this a thing where everyone has wolf ears and tails. Sorry if this is not what you wanted, I tried :(.
Enjoy please!!
    (Y/n) POV
As I got out of my bed to get ready for my first day of school, I felt a growing pain in the bottom of my stomach. 'You're nervous, calm down' I thought to myself. I mean, who wouldn't be the same way? It's my first day of my third year in high school at U.A. 'What if they don't like me? I'm an omega after all..' I thought to myself.
I brushed my teeth and grabbed a piece of toast. I ate it and drank some water before walking out of the door. Right as I stepped out my mom stopped me. "What, mom?" I asked patiently. She smiled at me. "I just wanted to say have a good day!" I smiled at her words as I waved at her.
I walked to U.A., ready for the worst to come.
Time skip to when you get there
As I pulled up to the entrance, I saw so many cool looking students. I looked around and started sweating. 'What if I don't get along with anyone?' I thought. Before I could get into deeper thought, a large boy stood I front of me. I looked up at him, startled by the surprise. He looked down at me and laughed. "Hi, my name is Togata Mirio. Nice to meet you! What's your name?" He asked with a smile. I fidgeted a bit and smiled a small smile. "(L/n) (F/n). Thanks you too!" I said, a little too energetic.
    "Are you new around here?" He asked as he showed me around the school a bit. "Actually, yes! Today is my first day.." I said as I started to trail off, over thinking thing again. "Don't be nervous, I think everyone will love you!" He said, laughing knowing he saw right through me. I giggled and thanked him.
     "Hey, (L/n), what class are you in?" He asked curiously. I looked up at him and let out a 'Hmmmm' and got out a paper from my backpack. "Well, it says this.." I said, pointing to the class. He smiled and hugged me, taking me by surprise and making me blush. "We're classroom buddies!! Maybe we can be friends!" He said to me happily. I giggled at him and nodded. He walked us over to the classroom.
    As I walked in, I felt stares from people. I felt nervous but Mirio just smiled. As he went to sit down, everyone bowed to him. "Guys no need, it's ok. I'm just alpha. It's no big deal." He said. I looked at him in disbelief and started sweating. 'W-wait.. HE'S ALPHA!?!??' I jaw dipped at the statement and quickly went to apologize to him.
    "What are you sorry for?" He said, petting my head. "I-I should have known you were alpha.. you could have told me.." I said. He paused and looked down at me. "Why are you beating yourself up over this?" He asked. I felt tears sting the corners of my eyes but I pushed them back. "I-I'm an omega.." I gulped as I was very ashamed. He looked at me and laughed. I looked at him in disbelief, how can he be laughing right now? Is he crazy?
    He pulled me into a tight embrace, smiling a warm, inviting smile. "I don't care about any of that.." He started. I could feel my heart leap out of my chest, heat rising to my face. "Words are words, but you are you. That's all that matters." He said in a calming, low whisper. I smiled and hugged him back.
    We soon pulled apart and that was when I felt in my heart, we were meant to meet.
    "Ya know Mirio, I'd like to take you up on that offer you gave earlier.." I said, grinning. He paused, thinking back to what he might have said. You then heard a quiet 'Oohh' and smiled. He nodded. "(Y/n), I would love to be friends with you!" He said with joy.
    Time skip to a few months later cuz I already have over 800 words and this bitch lazy
    Mirio POV
    As I was waiting for (Y/n) like usual, I started thinking to myself. 'Hmm, Ive known her for some time now. She is really sweet and kind. I really like her..' I thought to myself. I realized what I just thought and blushed, hairs on my tail standing up. I chuckled at the realization that I don't just like her, I love her. And I'm going to confess to her!
    Right before I could get into more thought, (Y/n) came out. I smiled and waved at her. She ran over to me and hugged me. I hugged her back, taking in the warmth she radiated.
    As we got to the classroom, we met up with Tamaki and Nejire. We made small talk until class started. I sat in my seat and tried to pay attention. Key word: Tried. I was to caught up staring at (Y/n). 'She has beautiful (e/c) hues, I can just bore into them all day..' I thought. The more I stared at her, the quicker time passed.
    Soon the bell rang and I knew this was my chance. I got up and ran to (Y/n) who was still packing up to go to lunch. I smiled because no one was near her to occupy her. I grabbed her shoulder and smiled. "Hey (Y/n), can I talk to you when you're done? On the rooftop preferably." I said. She smiled and nodded. "Of course Mirio, I'm always free to talk to." She said with a wink. I chuckled and walked to the rooftop.
    I sat on a bench and waited for her to come. I stared at the door until I saw little ears peek out from behind the door. I chuckled and motioned for her to sit next to me. She sat down and smiled. "So, Mirio, what did you want to talk about?" She asked me. I looked down at her and smiled sheepishly. "Hmm, well how do I say this?" I asked. She sighed and put her hand on mine. "It's ok, just say it." She said, a small smile on her face. I nodded and took a deep breath. "(Y/n).. I think I like you.." I said. She smiled and laughed innocently. "I like you too, Mirio." I could feel my ears twitching. "No (Y/n), I don't think you get it. I don't like you as a friend, I actually lo-" I was cut off by her shushing me. She smiled and snaked her arms around my waist and pulled me into a tight embrace. "Mirio, I understand. I love you too." She said. I smiled and hugged her back, happy she accepted my confession. I pet her head and rubbed her ears. She smiled and giggled at me. I smiled back and kissed her cheek.
    She froze in place, a pout growing in place of her smile. I panicked, sweating uncontrollably. "I'm sorry! Did I offend you? Stupid! The first time something goes right you have to go and mess it up!" The last part I said to myself. She looked up at me and shook her head. "No, but you missed. My lips are right here." She said, pointing to her lips. I smiled and laughed. "And this is why I love you, (Y/n)." I said. She laughed along.
    She then kissed me, soft and quick. She then winked and started to get up to leave. "Wait!!" I said before she left. "What?" She said. "Does this mean that we are boyfriend and girlfriend?" I asked. She nodded and blew me a kiss. She winked and left. I smiled to myself and started getting up too.
    'That girl.. I think I chose the perfect one for me' I thought as my tail wagged in delight. 'Heh, only she can leave me like this.' I thought to myself and pushed open the door and started walking down the stairs.
    Ok so I finished! 1482 counting the last sentence and everything I've written so far. I'm sorry if this is not what you wanted, I just have never heard of 'alpha' and 'omega' stuff. I did research and I looked for other fanfics but it didn't help with the confusion. I'm so sorry if this turned out horrible, but I tried and at least it's a Mirio x Reader.. I'm still sorry if this is not what you wanted. Welp anyway, thanks for requesting! But I'm still open for more requests you guys! Please feel free to request, I won't bite. The only thing I bite is my social life. *cough* ok welp bye now! Have a plus ultra day!! Bye my children!

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