Todoroki x Reader

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Please enjoy and make sure to request💕
Also btw (n/n) is nickname ;)
I was walking down the hallway of school to get to my classroom when suddenly, some kid came up to me. He looked like someone from a grade above me, so he scared me a bit.

"Hey you! Watch this!" He yelled at me as he threw a punch.

One punch became dozens as I was lying on the floor, hurt.

"You fatty!" Yelled the same boy as he spat on me and left.

I felt a liquid drip down my face. As I reached up to touch it I realized I was crying. I won't lie, I'm kinda overweight... but that should make no reason for people to bully me.

I cried on the cold floor of the hallway, as kids and teachers walked passed me murmuring.

Soon, school ended. As I walked out to sit on the bench out front to wait for my parents to pick me up, a kid with red and white hair came to sit with me.

"Hi I'm Todoroki! You can call me Shoto.." he said as he gave me a small smile.

"Hi.." I said in a monotone voice.

"I saw what happened and I think that you didn't deserve that.. buts it's ok because I can be your friend!" He said sweetly with a cute smile.

"Thanks, Shoto. I'd love to be friends with you." I said as I smiled at him.

Why doesn't he hate me too? I'm fat and ugly.. I'm glad I'll finally have a friend!

"No need to thank me! If love to be your friend..(Y/n) right?" He asked.

"Yeah. Thanks."

-present time-

I was at my house waiting for Shoto to come over. We have exams coming up and I wanted him to help me study.

I walked over to my mirror to look at myself. Ever since that day back in grade school, I started dieting and working out. I lost a lot of weight and I'm now satisfied with my weight.

What makes my journey better is that Shoto was there throughout it all. He even tried to convince me to stay chubby but I didn't want to.

He is just so sweet, and I know he isn't a fake friend. He is special, to the point as to I have a crush on him special. He doesn't know but I don't wanna ruin our friendship.

I soon heard the doorbell ring so that meant it was time for me to go open the door for my friend.

As I opened the door, Shoto walked into my house and sat on the couch. I closed the door and walked over to sit next to him. I then just smiled at him.

"Hey (n/n)! Are we gonna start right away on studying?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"If you want to I guess. We can chill for a bit and then do it or we can just get it over with now." I replied.

"Then lets get it over with now!" He said as he took my hand and dragged me to my room.

We were studying math, my worst subject. I wasn't bad at school, just wanted to get a real godly grade on my exams.

As we studied, I couldn't help but look at his face. It was so well sculpted, his nice jawline and soft hair. His eyes were very pretty, I could look at them forever.

"(N/n)? I know I'm handsome but you don't have to look at me. I thought we were supposed to be studying." He said as he waved a hand in my face.

I laughed and shook my head, focusing on the studying.

After we finally finished, we decided to watch a movie on my couch.

We walked over to my couch and we sat next to each other. I put Netflix on and we browsed for a movie, soon finding one.

As we got into the movie, Shoto wrapped his long arms around my waist. I looked at him with some blush tinting my cheeks.

He leaned into my ear and whispered lowly
"I know you like me, (Y/n). Don't you think I've noticed by now all the times you would stare at my during class and how you always want to hangout with me."

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to be clingy it's just it's true but I know you don't like me back-" I started as he cut me off with his soft plump lips on mine.

It felt addicting, heavenly. We matched pace as we kissed. It was long and very passionate. Oh how I've longed to do this for so long.

We pulled away to catch our breaths.

"Hell, I love you (Y/n)." He said as he smiled at me and hugged me.

"I love you too, Shoto." I said as we laid down together in each others arms on the couch. The movie had finished but that didn't stop us from spending time together.

"Oh Shoto?" I asked.

"Hm?" He said.

"Thank you for being with my not for my looks, but for who I am. You are one of a kind and I'm so glad to call you mine now." I said as I kissed his forehead.

He smiled and hugged me tighter. I didn't want this moment to end.
Started this one at 4 am and finished at 6 am wth why did it take that long? I guess I wanted a good story plot. Please tell me if you liked it and request bc I run out of ideas :( hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading! Peace out y'all🤟

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