Izuku x Reader pt2

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School had finished, now I'm at this address the teacher gave me. It's a house, a pretty big one not gonna lie ;)

I went up to the door and knocked a few times as I waited nervously, fiddling with my fingers. Secretly, deep down my heart was racing out of curiosity, I wanted to know what was gonna happen.

I was soon greeted by Mr. Midoriya, hair fluffy, wearing a with T-shirt an a some sweats. He looked me up and down and allowed me to come in.

I hesitated a bit but soon went in, hoping no one would see me here. 'What an expensive looking house, boof. I should be careful so I don't break anything..' I though to myself as I chuckled a bit at the thought.

  As I went to sit at his couch, I tripped and fell, knocking over a vase. I brought my hands out to catch the item, grasping it in my arms. As I prepared myself for the landing, it never came. (Generic I know 🤪)

  I looked up and saw Mr. Midoriya, holding me tightly.

"S-Sorry Mr. Midoriya.." I stuttered out.

"It's Izuku, and it's fine. You didn't mean to fall so calm down." He said while putting me on the couch.

  He sat next to me and looked me in the eyes. I then looked away and waited awkwardly for him to start a conversation.

  I started playing with my fingers and sweating lightly, getting anxious as to what he wanted to talk about. I could see him stealing glances at me.

  I looked at him and waited patiently for him to open his mouth... and when he did I flinched....

"Can... Can I.. kiss you?" He mumbled loud enough for me to hear, stealing glances at my lips, making me swallow hard. I looked at him, shock clear in my eyes.

"Nevermind... forget I said anything.." he said as he was about to turn away, I stopped him by putting my hand on his face.

  I turned his head my way and looked at him shyly. He looked at me in shock, not expecting me to act up.

"I-I.." I started, not able to finish because his lips found mine and collided onto it.

  The kiss lasted for a minute or so, but was sweet and electric. It felt like time stopped during that moment, like we were somewhere else, like another planet or realm.

"Your beauty never ceases to amaze me, I've felt you were different since you came into class." Izuku said while kissing my hand.

"Tell no one that this happened, or else I might get fired from my job!" He said playfully while winking at me and getting up.

  When he left, I touched my lips. My first kiss.. with my TEACHER?? What is up with me? Why did I let him do that? What will happen if someone finds out? Will I get in trouble? This is a secret that only me and him know and it shall stay that way.

"Izuku I need to leave.." I said in a hurry.

  He nodded and headed with me to the door of my car. He gave me one last peck and waved bye.

"Cya tomorrow, (Y/n)!" He said and smiled.

  I couldn't help but blush as I pulled away from his house and went home.

"This is going to be one hell of a year" I thought.

Sorry for not posting, a lot has been going on. Especially since it's my last few months of this school year so we are crammed with tests and work :/ hope you enjoyed this part 2! I don't usually write stuff like this but if you like it please leave a comment or request more stuff for me! Thanks for reading and see you next time!
(P.s: I put tododeku as the pic bc I was too lazy to look for a deku pic so I just put that cute fanart there.

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