Shoto Todoroki x Reader (Part 2)

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    Hey boys it be me, back at it with Krispy Kreme. Jk I'm just back with the second part of the Shoto x Reader(disappointed much? XD) <3~
Have fun with it~
    Todoroki P.O.V
    As I was walking to lunch, I saw (y/n), walking at a slow pace with her head down. I didn't know what to do so my first instinct was to run up to her. "(Y/n)!!" I yelled as I grabbed her shoulder. I then put my hands on my knees, panting from the random exercise. She looked at me and I felt heat rise to my face a bit. "A-ah, Hi Todoroki-kun.. W—Are you ok?? Did you get hurt??" She said to me with a worried look. I stopped panting and looked up at her. She was so cute with her face like that. My face suddenly softened, looking into her (e/c) hues, drowning in them. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just ran a little to quickly." I said, scratching behind my neck. I then heard a small giggle, which then burst into laughing. I looked at (y/n) in surprise, slowly chuckling along. "Her voice is like an angel kissing your ears, how can someone be so perfect?" I thought. I then stopped my deep thoughts, remembering what I needed to do. I looked up at (y/n), still giggling a bit. "Do you want to come over to my house later today? My parents will be gone and, if you wanted to, you could come over and maybe we could hangout.." I said, glad I didn't make a fool of myself by stuttering. I felt a light blush tint my cheeks as she sat there, mouth slightly open. "Sure, b-but I need to just text my mom telling her I will be h-hanging out with f-friends.." she said, smiling a bit. I then smiled and nodded my head. "See you then!" I said before heading to lunch to eat my lunch happily.
Time skip brought to you by the power of laziness.<3
Todoroki's P.O.V
    I was waiting in agonizing pain on my couch as I waited for (y/n) to come over. I then heard the doorbell ring, rushing over to the door. I checked if I looked nice and opened the door. It was (y/n) standing there with a gift in hand. I looked at her in surprise, she looked so cute out of the uniform. "A-ah, How rude of me. Please do come in!" I said, realizing we were just standing there. She nodded her head and walked in. She looked around a bit and decided to sit on the couch. She continued to look around my place, finally asking " So, what are we gonna do?" I looked at her and smiled " It's up to you I guess, maybe we can watch a movie?" I suggested. She nodded, looking through all my movie discs. She finally found one she liked. She grabbed it and put it in the CD player. "What movie did you pick?" I asked. She shook her head and said " It's a surprise!" She then started giggling a bit afterwards.
    (Y/n) P.O.V
    As I put the movie in, I felt my heart skip a beat. Me, sitting on my crush's couch, next to him. It is just unbelievable how this happened. I made my way over to the couch, sitting next to Shoto. He looked at me and smiled, quickly looking at the screen as the movie started. I did the same, feeling some warmth around my waist. I looked down and saw Shoto's arm there. I felt heat rise to my face as I started sweating a bit. He looked at me and smiled his beautiful smile. I immediately softened a bit before blushing a deep red. He looked at me and started chuckling. I blushed a deeper red. "I need to tell you something, (y/n)... It's very important." as Shoto said this I looked up at him and tilted my head to the side in confusion. "I really like you. No... I love you, (y/n)." I looked at him and paused. How does Shoto, THE SHOTO, Todoroki love ME?? I smiled and before I knew it, I had warm tears going down my face. I hugged him and nuzzled my head into his chest as we embraced each other tightly. I look up at him "I-I love you too Shoto." He then looked at me and smiled a smile so wide, it warmed my heart up. He then looked down at me, putting his hand on my cheek. He used his free hand to go around my waist, pulling me toward him. He then bent down and made his face almost touching mine. I could feel his lips brush against mine. I also felt his warm breath go onto my neck, making me blush a bit. He then closed the gap, kissing me. My eyes widened, but then we deepened the kiss when I wrapped my hands around his neck and he pulled my waist even closer. We sat there in this long kiss for a while longer. Finally, we pulled away, gasping for air. We both looked at each other and laughed. " I'm glad your the one that I love, Shoto." I said, hugging him again. " I could say the same about you (y/n)." He said and kissed my cheek. Yeah, I love him.
    Hey it's me!! I worked hard on this one-shot trying to make it good or good quality. Idk how it turned out but if you have any requests or suggestions you can send em in. ;3 thanks for reading my one-shots, it means so much!! Already over 50 views!! That is so many people to me. Thank you so much guys, I hope you have a great rest of your day. Love you all my children and once again thank you for your support it means bunches ;)

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