Present Mic x Reader

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Nobody asked for this but here it is :/ this is just random so pls don't take it seriously i just have no ideas pls request ;(
Nobody's POV
  There she was, going into a fight like she always did. I mean, you are a hero, right (Y/n)?  That should be your job, and might i add, you do it so well. I don't seem to be the only one to notice *looks at hizashi* heh
Anyways the fight went as usual, you beat up that hoe and gottem in jail. 'Great Job! Another day saved again by me!' you thought. Kinda fist bumped yourself in your head..

  After being bombarded by reporters and paparazzi, you were able to go home. It was, to your disadvantage, dark outside.
As you started walking home, you realized how eerie it was. The only sound heard was the sound of trees shaking due to the mild wind. And your footsteps, of course. But wait, why does there seem to be an extra sound of footsteps? Are you paranoid? There should be nobody else here right? You thought it was empty.?
You looked back and saw nothing there. You hesitantly continued but this time in a slight jog, muttering swears here and there.
Once you were almost home, you heard someone fire a gun right by your foot and screamed. You looked back and saw someone dressed in all black and just booked it. You ran as fast as your (insert leg size here) legs could take you.
But then stopped. You heard a voice. You know that voice. You looked for it and finally found the owner.
Hizashi. Oh, how you loved that man. He too was a hero, like you. But only GOD ELMO knee if he loved you back, maybe that's asking too much..
You ran into his arms and hugged him tight, shaking slightly out of nervousness.

"Hey (Y/n)! You good? What's going on?" he said with his eyebrows up in worry.

"There was a g-guy and he had a gun a-and i ran away and i found you and i'm so glad you showed up and-" was all you could say before he shut your ass up with a kiss 💋

  Your eyes widened and you just sat stiff. SHIT GIRL WHY DONT U KNOW HOW TO KISS? tbh same lol

  Hizashi immediately pulled away.

"S-sorry, I shouldn't have done that. It's obvious you don't like me like that and that your uncomfortable.." he said with a sad tone.

"Ah n-no that's not it at all.. i just didn't expect you to do that.." you said

"So?" he tilted his head.

"I like you too." you said as you fiddled with the hem of your shirt.

Hizashi let out the loudest "YEAH" and the both of you burst out laughing.

"You can come stay the night at my place." he said with a smile.


"ShUt ThE fUcK uP aUtHoR" Hizashi yelled at me.

*i cry now*———————————————————thanks for reading i'm sorry this is so bad i just have like 10 online classes to do in one day even tho irl we are only supposed to have 5??? wtf is this fuckery school? like just cuz we in quarantine don't mean i ge...

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*i cry now*
thanks for reading i'm sorry this is so bad i just have like 10 online classes to do in one day even tho irl we are only supposed to have 5??? wtf is this fuckery school? like just cuz we in quarantine don't mean i get that much extra work. and on top of that i get double the homework and it's stoopid🗿🗿 also thx for 12k read my boos💕💕 ily guysss

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