Mineta x Reader

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I had to ok lol we can't have a bnha ff and not have my boy Mineta like bruh mkay sooo here we go enjoy!!
_Nobody's POV_
  Mineta was with his friends Denki and Sero, deciding what swimsuits to wear to Y/n's pool party. Yes. You heard it right. Mineta actually got invited. This bitch couldn't wait to see them anime tiddies lol. Oop.. I mean he couldn't wait to swim... sure..

  Anyways, once finished, the trio walked to Y/n's house cuz it was not very far so let's exercise these chunky boys.(lol jk)

  They arrived and rang the doorbell, already able to hear the screams of fellow classmates and water splashing.

  The door opened to reveal Y/n, wearing a (insert whatever swimsuit u wear cuz I know we don't all wear 2 piece like I wear shorts and a shirt to swim lol pls tell me I'm not the only one). Mineta's eyes popped out of their sockets and he almost started drooling but Sero pushed him inside.

  Y/n showed them to her backyard where the party was. Holy guacamole there were many human beings, most of which were female! It was a dream for the perverted boys.

  Mineta knew there were a lot of girls at the party that were wearing the same kinds of clothing, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of Y/n. He would find himself occasionally glancing at her making chitchats with fellow students.

  After an agonizing few minutes, he collected himself and went to talk to Y/n.

"H-hey Y'all/n! Nice party!" He said, overly enthusiastic.

"Thanks! Glad your enjoying it!" She responded with a chuckle and a pat on the back.

  Mineta scurried away and went back to his two doofs for friends.

"You're pussy aren't you Mineta?" Asked Denki.

"What did you just call me asshat? I could hold a very long conversation with her. Longer than you can with anyone loser!" Mineta spouted.

  Sero just laughed and responded with "well if you can then why don't you?"

"I'll show you two assholes! Now watch and learn." Said Mineta as he walked off to speak with Y/n.

  He patted her shoulders and she turned around and greeted him with a small smile.

"Hows it going?" Asked Y/n.

"Fine! Me and my friends are having a blast.. W-Where did you get the food? It's really good.." Mineta said trying to spark a convo.

"Oh! My (parent that cooks) made it! They are killer in the kitchen. Thanks for saying that though! I'll make sure to tell them that you liked it." She said back and smiled.

"Y-yeah, no problem." He said.

"So, do yo-" was all Mineta could say before some people at the party started yelling "SPIN THE BOTTLE!" or "TRUTH OR DARE!"Repeatedly.

"Let's go play!" Said Y/n as she pulled me along.

Time skip to later in the game lol this is cliche but YOLO ITS NEW YEARS EVE MY HOES(y'all are amazing no offense)

  Denki spun the bottle and he had to dare/truth me.

"Truth or dare"


"I dare you to kiss the person you like in this room."

"What if I'm to scared too?"

"Then everyone will close our eyes so we won't know who it was." Denki compromised.

"O-okay.." Mineta responded.

  Everyone closed their eyes and Mineta quietly got closer and closer to Y/n. He hesitantly put his small lips against hers.
  It was a shy kiss at first but it was sweet.

  He pulled away, surprised she gave into it.

"W-what??" Mineta said.

"Don't worry I was shocked too. I don't think you're as bad as people lead you on to be. I want to give you a chance, Mineta Minoru." She said.

  He just smiled and sat there.


  Everyone had a good laugh that night and the party went better than expected. Though, Mineta will forever be a perv lol.
Thanks for reading! Sorry for any grammar mistakes. I know it's not all that and I'm sure nobody is going to read this cuz almost everyone hates Mineta but here ya go. I don't wanna leave him out cuz he is a very nice comic relief character so yeet. Hope you enjoyed and happy New Years!!🥳🥳🤪

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