Izuku x Reader Pt. 1

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Ps: take this crappy deku drawing I did the other day for fun. It's just a sketch so it's not really all that :/ anyway, enjoy!


Y/n's POV
  BiG uGh !! Today is the first day of high school... I can't wait!! Sarcasm intended. Legit I don't want to go but my mom nags at me to "finish school" and "get an education for your future". Do I really have to :(

  I got ready for school and soon walked out of the door, saying bye to my family. As I walked to school, I caught up with my only friend, Ochaco.

"Hey Ochaco!" I said to her.

"Hey (Y/n)! Excited for school? It's our first year of high school. Wow, time really flies. I remember when we were only kids but now we are in high school." She replied.

"Yeah, I heard that there is a young teacher who is at the school. I wonder if one of us will get him." I said.

"I heard he is 18 years old! Must be a smart kid.." Ochaco dozed.

  We soon got to the building and went inside. The high school was very big to say the least, halls creating a huge maze to solve.

"I have no idea where anything is.." I said.

  Ochaco shrugged and we started to explore the halls, trying to find the principals office. The dang place was so big, it seemed like every hallway was a duplicate of the other. It was very confusing..

  After many minutes of trying to find the office, we found it. When we walked in, we were greeted by many kind ladies. They all seemed to be middle-aged..

"What can we do for you young ladies?" One of the ladies asked.

"We would like our schedules please." I said.

  She then asked us for our names and then gave us the right schedule. It seemed like my first class was with.. Mr. Midoriya. It was science so that's not that bad.

"Good luck, Ochaco!" I said as I rushed to class since the bell had already rung. She gave me a thumbs up and sprinted to her class, which sadly was on the other side of the school.

When I walked into the room, I was greeted with a green haired man in front of me, not to mention that everyone was staring at me... probably in jealousy..

"You're late, (Y/n)." The green headed man said, I assume he is my new teacher, Mr. Midoriya.

"Umm, sorry, it's my first time here so I didn't know my way around.." I said while scratching the back of my head.

"It's fine, just sit in your assigned seat, but if this happens again, detention for you." He said in a stern voice as he watched me nod my head and walk back to my seat.

During the whole class period, I caught Mr. Midoriya making quick glances at me. And if I was lucky enough to catch him, he'd just wink at me.

Class was almost over as I was dozing off the whole time. I got snapped out of my thoughts when the teacher called me out.

"Oh (Y/n), dozing off in class I see.. meet me after class.." He said in a smooth voice, making me a bit eager.

5 long minutes passed and the bell finally rung. 'What does he want..' I thought to my self.

I walked over to his desk after I quickly put my stuff away.

"(Y/n), are you trying to get on my bad side?" He asked in a silky smooth voice.

"No, I have no idea what you mean! I'm just dozing off and coming late wasn't my fault! Jeez.." I replied in a flash.

He nodded and grabbed out a paper and pen, writing something on the paper. He then ripped the paper and handed me the part he wrote on.

"Take this. I need you to show up to this place. It's very important." He said in a stern voice, almost breaking his facade, almost.

I nodded and walked over to my desk to grab my stuff. When I finished, I started walking out and grabbed the note to read it. It read an address, a very specific one to be exact, like a home.. no way.. my cute teacher might of just given me his address...

"No way am I missing out, I want to know what will happen." I thought to myself as I smiled to myself as I walked to my next class.

"Today is going to be an eventful day, I just know it. I feel it in my bones.." I thought.
I'm sorry that I didn't post this earlier, I was busy most of the weekend and also it is scorching hot here where I live so I'm just so lazy and hot and sticky and that's the tea 🍵 :(
Well I hope you enjoyed this shit ff and I hope you have the patience to wait for pt2! Thank you guys for all the reads, it means the world to me! Also shoutout to April Fools by Jimin Park for keeping me company while making this :)
Thank you and have a nice day/night!🌸

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