Kirishima Eijiro x Reader

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Sorry this took awhile to make, today was my last day before break and I had a big test so I was studying but anyway here's the story! Enjoy!!
——————————————————Nobody's POV
It was a sunny Saturday, around 11:30 am. (Y/n) was at the mall with her best friend, none other than Kirishima.

  What she didn't know was the drama that was about to go down at the mall...

"So which store ya wanna go to, Kiri?" She asked the red head.

"Hmmm," he thought, "let's go to this store! Whatever you want from here, it's on me!"

  He smiled at (Y/n) and pulled her into the store, full with the most expensive but beautiful clothes.

"Kiri...these are sooo expensive!" (Y/n) whined at him.

"I know, and I'm prepared for the dent in my poor wallet.." he said as he fist bumped the air, with a look of pain painting his mAnLy face.

  (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders and started looking around. After some time, she found a few clothes she enjoyed and decided to try them on, Kirishima being the one who had to decide the best of the 4 pieces of clothing that she was trying on.

"Ok... I'm coming out now.." (Y/n) quietly said.

  As she walked out, Kiri almost died of laughter but he covered his mouth.

"(Y/n).. why are you wanting to buy a hot dog suit? Why that of all the nice high quality clothings?" The red headed boy was crying by now because of how much he was holding in his laugh.

"Don't laugh Kiri!!! That's not very cash money of you" (Y/n) said as she hit him on the head.

"Ow" he said as he held his head in pain. (Y/n) sure has rocks for fists like wth bro. 'That was so unmanly of me' Kiri thought.

(Y/n) started to chuckle when suddenly, yelling was heard outside of the store the two were in.

Being the curious teens they were, they went outside along with everyone else to investigate the scene.

(Y/n) almost screamed when she saw what was happening.

"Bitch it's a robber, and he's armed.." (Y/n) whispered as she held Kiri closely.

"Stay close, I'll protect you." He responded and held her closer.

(Y/n) was looking around and saw a lost child behind the robber, quietly sobbing. She was whispering "Somebody help.."

"Wait here Kiri, make sure you take care of yourself and be careful." (Y/n) whispered to him and quietly went to the crying child.

'(Y/n)...' Kiri thought.

(Y/n)'s POV
  I had to save the child I mean, who wouldn't am I right?

So ya sis went to go get the child but as I was about to grab the child, the robber turned around and pointed the gun at us.

"Stay but or I'll shoot the both of you!" He yelled.

"Not on my watch!" Yelled Kirishima as he ran and started attacking the robber.

I hugged the child, whispering that it was all going to be ok. I hope that Kiri wasn't gonna get hurt.. but I mean that shit is rock hard 👀👀

Kiri soon was able to fight the robber and save everyone by the time the police arrived.

After Kiri hugged me, the mother of the lost child appeared, tears stained her cheeks.

"My baby! There you are! Thank you so much ma'am and sir! I hope god blesses your relationship and I hope you two live a long happy life together!" She said as she continuously bowed her head.

"No need to thank us ma'am, I mean, who wouldn't act in that type of situation?" I said to her with a blush painting my chubby cheeks.

Soon the lady left and that left me and Kiri.

"That was very manly of you, Kiri."
I said as I smiled to him.

"Thanks-" was all he could say as I leaned in and gave a quick peck on his lips.

When I pulled away I immediately looked away, blushing hard.

I heard him chuckle and hug me tight.

"It was worth it since this was my rewar-"

"Kirishima, that was brave of you, I'll admit, but that doesn't mean you'll get off the hook.."

We turned around and saw Aizawa standing there, wearing this exact suit:

"You don't have a license to be doing this, so as a punishment, you'll be cleaning the dorms tomorrow

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"You don't have a license to be doing this, so as a punishment, you'll be cleaning the dorms tomorrow. The. Whole. Day." Aizawa said as he waddled away.

"Was the reward really that worth it?" I asked Kiri as I laughed at his sad expression.

"Coulda been worse.." he said as he pecked my lips again.
So thanks for reading! I know it was supposed to come out last week but I was pretty busy but please make sure you request, I do already have one request so that'll be out sometime soon so keep a lookout for that one! Anyway thanks for reading and cya next time! Love y'all 💕💕
Edit: I was told there were some grammar mistakes (AUTOCORRECT IS A LITTLE SHIT) so I checked it and changed up some parts that I found unnecessary ^_^

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