Part 3

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Adam Knights POV

How fucking dare he touch what I claimed.

I forgot what I was coming up for when I saw him hugging her to him like his fucking pathetic life depended on it. I noticed Emma tense posture getting even more tense at my booming voice, she tried to pry herself out of his grip, but her efforts only served in tightening it around her some more.

His actions were adding fuel to the fucking volcano that was boiling in me. I marched towards them, and snatched her out of his grip and towards me. Her tense muscles relaxed almost immediately after connecting with my body, and a slight sigh of relief escaped her mouth. It was so low that I barely caught it. "Adam, what are you doing here?" She asked after a while.

"Shouldn't you be asking that question to somebody else?" I asked angrily glaring at whomever that fucker was.

She looked up at me, looking confused as to why I was acting this way, and opened her mouth to say something but that thing beat her to it. "Won't you introduce us, canım?" He asked amusedly.

"Shut the fuck up, Ben!" Emma shot him a glare.


"Get the fuck out of my house!" She cut him off.

"Now, now Ems, that's no way to talk to your elders." He reprimanded playfully.

Emma rolled her eyes, and looked back at me. "You didn't say what brought you here. Did you forget something?" She asked me ignoring the other one existence.

"Yes, you." I answered.

"What?" She frowned confused.

"I'm taking you with me right this moment."

"Where?" She asked.

"To our house of course." I said. "I'm not leaving you in a house where everybody has an access to." I added glaring at him.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to go with h-"

"No, who the fuck do you think you are to meddle in this?" I shot back at him.


"Nobody." She interrupted shooting him a look daring him to disagree. He was shocked when he heard her statement.

"Really, Ems?" He asked in disbelief. "Just because of a tiny problem you're going to deny me every tie with you?" He added, sounding little hurt.

"That little issue, you so kindly described was exactly where you should have stepped up for me. However you preferred all the lavish those people could provide you with instead of me, your own fucking blood!" She was fuming. "So don't fucking come here, and try lecturing me about how family should behave because you don't know the first thing about the said word!"

He looked down, ashamed. It must have been a really big thing for Emma to lose control like this because it was the first time I actually saw her this angry. Her eyes were practically shooting daggers at the man, and her posture was rigid.

I stroked her back gently to give her a sense of relief and comfort, and it worked somehow because the tension started to leave her body slowly.

"Emma, I'm really sorry. It was the-"

"'Only way you could think of to help me', yeah I know. I've heard the same broken record billions of times before. Same goes with that damned word of apology, but guess what sorry is not enough, it was and will never be enough. Not to me at least." She stated. "So go ahead, be a good puppet, and tell your boss to fuck off before I lose it." Anger was flashing through her usually warm orbs.

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