Part 36

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Third Person POV

"Adopt me." Blurted Giuseppe.

Emma raised her eyebrow in surprise. "I thought you didn't want to give Bianchi up." She said referring to an earlier conversation she had with him when she told him he had the choice to change his name as all mafia members do once entering a new mafia, but he declined saying he didn't want to give his last name 'Bianchi' up.

Giuseppe fidgeted with his hands. "It's gone," the little boy declared looking down but then he looked up with glistening eyes before continuing. "The reason, I mean."

Emma understood that his dead sister had something to do with it, but chose not to delve in that territory just yet. "Which one do you want exactly? The Knights' or Paterson's?" She asked instead.

"The Knights." He answered without hesitation. "Because I get the power of both of the names that way." He was clever, calculating, and had an aura of tremendous darkness in that very moment.

Long gone the little carefree boy and in his place sat a mafia leader material, and that fact tore at Emma's heart more than she ever thought it would. "You want to deal with your father alone?" She wanted to confirm her suspicions.

"Yes, I only want you to train me into the perfect killing machine. Rip my heart out of its place or freeze it, do whatever it takes to enable me of slaughtering someone without a single beat wasted. Then give me both your name and your husband's. The rest is mine to deal with." He said coldly, clouds of darkness still clouding his icy gaze.

"It may take years to even be able to scratch him if we go your way." Emma warned.

"I'm willing to sacrifice." The little boy said with determination in his voice.

"Are you sure there is nothing else you want me to help you with?" Emma stated one last time.

"As a matter of fact, yes there is." Giuseppe said looking to a waiting Emma. "Make sure he never hits the bottom, help him reach the furthest point he could in the span of time I would take to reach my goal. Make him invincible." He said.

Both Emma and Adam looked at each other, eyebrows scrunched before returning their attention to an evilly smirking Giuseppe. "That way the hunt would be much much more fun." He concluded.

"Very well, we'll do it your way." She agreed. "Now, dig in." She said referring to his plate that one of the servants brought after he came in.


"I feel sorry for the boy." Emma said laying in Adam's embrace preparing to sleep.

Adam tightened his hold around her. "What he's gone through in the past few days could bring down men thrice his size. He's brave, he'll get through this." He comforted.

"On the outside he may, but it'll forever scar his soul. Treason overall is bad, but when it comes from a close one it's a whole new level of worst. Death of a loved one is painful, but knowing they were snatched from us in the cruellest of ways is heart-wrenching." She was lost for few moments as if she was replaying something of sort happened to her. "I would know." She added so faintly Adam barely caught it.

"He reminds you of someone?" Adam whispered.

She nodded. "Someone very close to me." Only Adam didn't know she was speaking about her own self. She was seeing the old vulnerable and helpless version of herself in the little boy called Giuseppe. She was describing her own suffering rather than his because they incredibly match.

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