Book II - Part 33

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Third Person POV

David Sampson was sitting on one of the majestic couches in the Knights' guest living room, waiting for his daughter to make a presence.

He knew his waiting may not be met with the result he wants out of it, and that his tries to mend his relationship with the daughter he was deprived from years ago could prove futile but he was willing to try. He was going to give it his all to be back in his daughter and granddaughter's lives.

Would that atone for his past mistakes, then?

Would this effort of his atone for the mistakes he did to his one and only true love, his late wife?

Can she forgive him for breaking the promise he made to her before she died, of keeping Emma as far as possible from the lifestyle she was forced to, from the bloodshed she so loathed?

Will he be able to look her in the face in the other life?

"Father, how can I help you?" His daughter's voice brought him back from his short reverie.

He looked up to the entrance to see her and Adam entering.

"Emma." David voice was hoarse whisper, he didn't know if it was because of the memory lane he was just snapped back from or because of seeing his daughter face to face instead of in pictures only,  after so many years.

Either ways, he couldn't keep his tears in.

Emma was shocked to say the least, it was the first time she saw her father's tears.

The mighty David Sampson was in tears while looking at her, longingly. It was as if he was looking at someone he desperately missed through her, and she knew exactly who that someone was.

Her late mother.

She was told that she was a spitting image of her, that the resemblance she had to her mother was uncanny.

She always thought of it as an overstatement up until now.

The look in her father's eyes told her just how exact those words are.

"What do want, father?" Emma questioned in her business tone, she wasn't about to fall for this. A few drops of tears were not enough to wipe everything off.

"How come you look exactly the same, even in behaviour. If I didn't know any better I'd say Elsa's the one in front of me." David said.

"This isn't a family reunion, father. So I'd prefer if you tell me the reason you're here instead of indulging in emotional stuff." Emma said.

David shackled endearingly before all traces of emotions abandoned his features, leaving him with an expression so stoic, one wouldn't think he was the same man who was reminiscing his past moments ago.

Emma looked at him for a while, trying to analyse him but in vain. So she opted to sitting down on the couch opposite from him, next to her husband.

"I want to answer a question of yours." He stated.

"A question of mine, you say?"

"Yes." He replied.

"And that may be?" Emma asked.

"Why I was so determined to send you back to Michael few years back." He answered.

"Michael already paid me a visit as I've been told." Emma said.

"Let's not play mind games now, shall we, daughter. I know of every single thing that happened in your life so far, even the smallest of events." David said. "Michael may have paid you a visit five years back, but he only narrated his part of the story, nothing more and nothing less." He added.

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