Book II - Part 34

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Third Person POV

At least a dozen masked figures sneaked into what seemed to be a mini mansion located somewhere north Berlin, the twelve figures were divided into four groups of three, each group assigned to a different part of the mansion to take over.

The first group was to take the east part of the mansion, the second group was assigned to the west and son on and so forth.

They were to scan it for any unexpected surprises before waiting in the living room for further instructions.

"Who are you?" A woman's voice came out from the open kitchen that was in the opposite direction of the living room where the dinning room was. She saw them entering the room from different sides of the mansion and taking positions inside it without being told anything.

The men didn't bother to reply nor glance her way, they kept their firm and unwavering stance. One would think they were a bunch of statues because of the way they were standing, not moving a muscle.

The woman would've sworn they stopped breathing if she didn't know any better.

She was frightened for both her life and the one of her old man upstairs. "What are you doing here?" She tried to stay calm and not let the fear that was freezing her bones shown to these unknown masked men or women, she frankly didn't know nor did she want to find out.

The men stayed silent, keeping their rigid posture. Eyes straight ahead, hands behind their backs, and legs slightly apart, a posture of a competent and professional bodyguard but whom bodyguards were they she didn't have the slightest of clues.

"Somebody please answer me, who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my house!" The woman all but screamed in both fear and frustration.

One of the men finally moved, not upon her outburst, but the earpiece she didn't notice he supported -they all supported, is what made him break his stone-like stance. His hand going to it briefly before he headed towards the door to the mansion.

The woman stood there in her nightwear and her jug of water in her hands, puzzled as to what was happening in this late hour and why was it happening when she has dozens of men guarding the whole premises!

She peeked her head through the dinning room so that she sees who the person who broke the man's stance. She was frightened, but her curiosity seemed to overcome that fright for now.

Curiosity always kills the cat.

She saw how the man opened the door, and bowed down to the hooded figure at the other side of the door, the person was accompanied with another three figures, all hooded.

The person was about to step on the first of the three doorsteps that were leading to the main door when a hand of one of the mansion's guards stopped her.

The men were about to react when she signalled for them with her hand not to. They stopped.

The hooded figure stepped up despite the guard's hand, he was surprised at the bold behaviour that he staggered a bit, he was about to react when he regained his composure but when the woman lifted her face a bit so that the hood is not entirely covering her, he backed out instantly, shaking like a leaf. He was glad that he only stopped her and did not attempt on doing anything else, otherwise his head may not be still intact.

The fear the owner of the house felt when she first saw the men barging in her house doubled when she saw how her guard surrendered without a fight. She knew then and there that no help is coming if the hooded person turned out who she thought they were.

"I hope that served as an answer to your earlier question, dear mother." The voice she heard froze her in her place.

Her suspicions proved right, she was here to do what she promised.

Emma was here to take her father away from her like she did her son.

The jug in Mila's hand slipped through her cold, sweaty, shaking hands and came tumbling down on the floor. She soon followed, her knees gave up on her causing her to land on the floor next to the shattered glass, sobbing loudly and shaking her head in denial. "Please, please, no, don't do it." She kept on repeating the same thing while shaking her head frantically.

Emma put the hood off when she was inside the house, so did Sam, Puerto and Greta who accompanied her. "You failed coming in time the other day, you knew the consequences yet you didn't come. So after your son, comes the turn of your father, the traitor." Emma said casually as she took a seat on one of the couches in the living room, opposite where Mila was kneeling.

"Bring the old man here." She ordered one of her bodyguards.

"Please, I beg-"

"Tell me, Mila, why did you choose to hide in a place so close to me? Did you think I'll be looking around whole Turkey for you instead of asking one of my people on your side about you?" Emma asked, amused at her stepmother effort to hide from her, discarding her pleas of forgiveness, it was such a bore to hear the same broken record each and every time from all of her victims.


"Plead for one more time and I'll chop him off right in front of you!" Emma snapped, irritated. "Good, now answer me." She urged when the woman stopped pleading.

"I- I thought you won't s- search for me h- here." Mila hiccuped.

"You know what, I might just forgive your old man." Emma said out of the blue.

Mila stared at her wide eyed, she couldn't believe her ears!

"What you rather have him chopped?" Emma smirked.

Mila shook her head furiously. "No." She voiced. "But why are you doing this." She asked.

"Let's just say, I'm feeling generous today." Emma replied. "But, there's a catch." She added, enjoying how the comfort that just invaded Mila's body disappeared when she spoke.

"W- What?" Mila asked.

"I'll leave your father alone if you do me a small favour." Emma said.

"What f- favour?" Mila didn't like the smirk that etched on Emma's lips.

"Kill the head of the Elders for me, then your father shall live the rest of his days in peace." Emma said.

"B- but that's impossible!" Mila exclaimed.

"Then make it possible, otherwise I will personally slaughter you and your old man in the most horrendous of ways." Emma said as she stood up from the couch.

She signalled for the men to retreat, and in no time Mila was left alone in the same kneeling position she was in. All the men disappeared along with Emma, like they were never there.

Her mind kept reminding her of Emma's last words before she exited the door.

"You have a week to do what I asked, once the week ends even I can't guarantee you what's going to happen to you both."


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