Book II - Part 20

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      Surprise! Surprise!


Third Person POV

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" Adam asked his still smirking wife.

"In due time, I will." She replied.

"Fair enough." He said. "What about the plan you said you'd tell me once I told you what I was hiding from you?" He asked.

"You'll be mad once you found out." She told him.

"Why would you think that?" Adam raised an eyebrow at her.

"I know you Adam, you won't let me finish the first two words before you come at me with the intent of killing me." She told him, amplifying this uneasy feeling he was feeling from the moment she told him about her plan.

"Don't test my patience, Emma! I was never the patient man to begin with, I'm only trying because of you." He warned, dangerously low.

Emma's phone rung before she could answer him.

"I'm listening." She said after she looked at the caller's ID and accepted the call.

"They're demanding a prove of my new loyalty." The person said.

"Give it to them." She said.

"Young miss, you should think this over. Young master Giuseppe came by and he knows it's you, and if Mr. Knights find out, he-"

"I once asked you who your loyalty lays with, will you remind me of your answer then?" She cut him off.

"With you, young miss. Always with you." The person replied.

"Then do what I say, let me worry about other stuff." She ordered.

"Understood, young miss."

Emma, cut the call and looked up at Adam who was looking at her all the time. "You said, you want to know what I'm doing?" She asked him.

Adam nodded.

"I'm planning on killing Gisela, in fact I just gave the order." She told him without flinching.

Adam laughed, "what the hell are you talking about?" He asked, amused by her randomness.


"What then, you'll kill Giuseppe, then me, then Müller?" He chuckled.

"I'm serious, Adam." She said firmly causing her husband's laughter to die down and a frown to etch on his face.

He seemed as if his mind was still unable to process whatever he just heard, he kept looking at her with the same expression.

"What? Is it that hard to believe?" Emma asked, chuckling. "For me to avenge my mother, I can sacrifice every living thing on this earth, I think I made that clear already." She added, a crazy look on her features.

Adam slowly advanced towards her, yet menacingly. "Have you fucking lost your mind! Have you finally gone crazy!" He hissed.

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