Part 44 FINALE

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Third Person POV

Eight long months have passed since Michael's visit, and it's safe to say that the lives of the Knights have changed drastically in those eight months.

Emma grew distant with each passing day and Adam was either ignoring the obvious signs that the change in Emma was not because of her pregnancy hormones, or he really didn't notice something was wrong because of how busy he became the past few months. His work consumed almost all his time, he barely had time to come home before dinner was served.

Which saved Emma a great deal of headache because if he noticed the difference, questions would be asked, fights would start and Emma had no energy to deal with any of that as of right now.

She was waiting patiently for her little baby girl to be born and to make sure she was safe before she continues her search for the whole truth. And just like the man said with the information she got from Michael and Müller she was able protect herself properly.

She surrounded herself with her people only, she never got out of the main house unless she had to do some walking then she would walk around the premises with Müller or Jürgen after dimming the lights of the certain area they're going to walk around just in case unwanted guests were lurking around. On nights where the moon was high in the sky the lights would be switched off, and the area surrounded with tight security.

She also made sure no one knew of her pregnancy, she told Adam to never tell a soul about it that she didn't want people to jinx it. She also fired all of the house help and replaced them with people of her own, people who knew what would happen if they crossed her, and she left them in the good hands of Greta who was trained personally by her.

And lastly she cut off communication with both her brother and Papa, which was a bit awkward seeing that they were people whom she can never skip a day without talking to and make sure they were fine. Now, they were just people who stabbed her in the back in her most vulnerable moments.

She came to loathe the idea that they exist under the same sky as herself.


Emma was sitting in her room, reading a book when Jürgen barged in.

One look at the heavy breathing man, she knew something was wrong. "What happened?" She asked alerted.

"You have to come downstairs, the training ground was attacked. Giuseppe's hurt." He said as he went to her side to help her up and down the stairs.

Emma almost had a heart attack when she heard him, so when she entered the living room she went straight to Giuseppe who was holding a packet of ice to the back of his head while Müller is disinfecting the wound on his forehead. "Giuseppe! Are you okay? How did this happen?" Emma shot question after another at no one in specific while examining the little boy's body with his face cradled in her hands gently.

"Somebody answer me, what the hell happened!" She repeated when nobody spoke.

"I'm okay, mom. Just a scratch while I was training." Answered Giuseppe, taking her hand in his to assure her he was indeed fine.

"Don't play me for a fool, young boy! Those are not training injuries." She scolded. "Now tell me who attacked you?" She demanded.

Four sets of eyes flew towards Jürgen, shooting daggers at him. "You told her!" Giuseppe and Müller both hissed at him.

Jürgen stumbled back a bit. "I was still under the shock so I don't remember what I told her exactly." He defended himself.

"Who was it? Your father?" She asked Giuseppe.

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