Book II - Part 30

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Third Person POV

Back at the Sampsons residence in Turkey, Emma's stepmother was enjoying her afternoon tea in the living room until her phone vibrated with an incoming message. She took it from the table and clicked on the pop up icon to open the message.

Accept the call.

She found it weird, why would anybody send a message to accept their call.

Then she got their answer when her phone rung, it was a video call.

She spent sometime thinking whether she should accept it or not, then she clicked the green icon, accepting the call.

The device almost slipped through her hands she did.

Her only son came into view, his hands were securely tied to a wooden chair in what seems to be an empty room.

She was watching the video so intently when a voice she knows all too well, cut her off. "Mila Becker, I hear you're a fan of games, especially hide and seek."

"W- who's this?" Mila tried to feign ignorance but her tone failed her.

"Oh, you don't know who am I?" Emma questioned amused.

"What do you want with my son!" Mila exclaimed, scared.

"Isn't it obvious what I plan on doing with him?" Emma asked. "I'll give you a hint then, it involves blood." She chuckled on her own joke.

"P- please-"

"Don't plead just yet, it'd make it less entertaining." Emma cut her off.

"W- what do you want?" Mila asked.

"I want you to find him. Use every last person in your little pathetic organisation to find him, and if you do before the room oxygen level reaches 10% I'll let you off the hook, all of you." Emma said. "But if you don't your old man is next." She added.

"Why are you doing this?" Mila asked in a broken tone.

"I want you and your son to feel what my mom felt when she kept letting herself poisoned willingly and without anyone knowing. That feeling of depression and loneliness, I want you to go through the same, and I also want to see who's stronger between us. You and your organisation or me and my army." Emma answered.

"David will not sit still and watch this happening." Mila tried to threaten her.

"We both know, dad will do nothing. Haven't you figured anything out of this whole set up?" Emma's tone indicated she thought low of the woman IQ.


"You have less than 8hours before your son suffocates." Emma said, cutting her off before she hung up.


Mila ran to the organisation her father introduced to her when she was only 10 years old, seeking help.

She told them everything Emma told her, and even added few things here and there to give them the boost they needed to save her son because she knew if it was only her and her son who were involved they would never risk exposing themselves to help her.

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