Book II - Part 39

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Third Person POV

Emma and her people reached the last destination in this journey of theirs, where the mastermind behind all of her misery and the one of her family for decades was hiding, and how bold can the old man be to chose the safe house of the family he massacred as his hiding place.

Three of the heirs that were supposed to be dead decades ago have managed to escape their fate, how? Emma didn't know nor was she curious to find out. She only knew that they have somehow deceived someone into taking their place and bribed others to forge their deaths and help them fitting in the new identities they bought.

This whole revenge game started decades ago, they slowly crept into the closest places to her possible. Planted their rotten routes in all the right places, her ex husband, by her father's side, and in the companies she inherited from her mother.

Everything was well calculated, the only mistake on their part was trusting her father. Their greed must have blinded them for a moment, the blinding amounts of wealth her father would inherited from her mother once she was dead blinded them from seeing her mother's plan.

Their greed caused for Papa to enter the picture, making the illusion of sending her abroad with the purpose to die out of despair when in fact he was preparing her to emerge the A.L everyone now knows.

Their greed started the beginning of their end, it created the invincible duo, A.L and Müller, the founders and true leaders of the most invincible notorious gang in the whole Europe at the moment, The Crawlers.

And their greed was the reason behind the ruin of their little pathetic organisation.

Emma would make sure the rest of the members know who they've messed with, targeting the key members was only the beginning of her plan because and despite the fact that the rest of the organisation members were not involved in what happened to the Monarchs years ago, they were active members in murdering her mother and making her life a living hell.

Getting rid of their boss and superiors would reck havoc, havoc would lead to chaos, and chaos would lead to mistakes. They're bound to come out at one point, she won't have to lift a finger. They'll come to her one by one, they'll pull the trigger on themselves without her telling them to.

But first she had to get rid of their head.

"Bring him to me!" She told the twelve guards that came with her.

On her command the guards started searching the whole house for him, and it was only a matter of time before the old man was brought to his knees in front of her.

"Karl Schneider, or would you prefer Emmanuel Black." Emma chuckled humourlessly as she towered over him.

She purposefully called him with his original name. Emmanuel was the fake ID he got after he escaped the execution with his little friends.

"I should have killed you with that whore of a mother of yours!" Karl hissed.

Emma's eyes turned pitch black, her face turning stone cold.

Karl immediately regretted his statement.

"What did you call my mother?" The tone Emma used, despite being extremely calm, it was blood chilling.


Her feet collided with his chest, landing him on his back. His head landed on the middle of the glass table that was behind him, smashing it in process. Blood oozed out of the wound and onto the broken glass.

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