Part 29

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Gerald Fischer POV

"Did they get him?" I asked my secretary after he got off the phone with one of our spies on the Knights' residence.

"Yes, sir. I was informed that they've just taken him away." He answered.

"Good. You know what to do, right?" I asked looking at him intently.

"Yes, sir." He bowed slightly before exiting the door to arrange for the operation.

That fucking bastard thought that he could get away from the sentence I bestowed on him by clinging to a rich snobby bitch, he should know better than defying me. He of all people should know that what I say is law here, and when I sentence someone with prison he should fucking stay in prison not cling to a weird bitch to save him.

So what if her fiancé was so fucking famous around here, I own the damn country! No one double crosses me and live to tell the tale, and that ungrateful bastard I took under my wing when no one spared him a second glass is about to know that for sure.

No one can save him from me now.


"What the fuck do you mean he's been released! He barely reached the police station!" I roared in anger at my secretary.

"A- actually, sir he never reached the police station. T- they were ordered from someone in a high position to release him immediately and bring him back to where they took him from." He said stuttering a couple of times out of fear.

"One fucking simple job and you couldn't even accomplish it!" I hissed at him before going back to my corner where my putters are located, I took one of them and came back to him while dragging it behind me.

My secretary visibly gulped while shaking slightly.

He knew what was to come.

Failure is always rewarded with punishment.

I hit him hard in his joints from behind forcing him to kneel from the the pain before I started battering him with it until sweat started forming on my forehead. Then I straitened myself before heading towards my office, took a paper handkerchief wiping the blood from the putter and putting back to its place.

I came back to my whimpering secretary who was obviously in a great deal of pain, but he knew better than to utter a peep about this to anybody. He signed the contract after all, he swore secrecy.

Good, now he'll have a motivation not to fail me again.

I hovered over him. "Bring me that bastard's head or the next time it won't be a putter that will dance with you." I threatened.

I headed to the mini closet in my office to change my blood-covered clothes. Then I threw another suit at the still laying secretary of mine. "Stop acting like a bitch and go clean up and change and clean this mess before somebody comes in." I said angrily before heading to my chair. I can't afford for the reputation I spent my whole life building to crumble because of few bruises on some useless trash, after all.

He stood up slowly, pain written all over his face before walking- wobbling to the bathroom that was inside my office. "Oh, and Puerto, you have until the end of the day to do what I said." I said just when he was about to enter the bathroom.

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