Part 34

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Third Person POV

On the way back to the Knight's residence, Müller noticed a car following them all the way from a safe distance of course. He almost missed it because of Giuseppe constant blabbing.

Müller gave Emma who was in the back seat with Giuseppe, a look through the rear view mirror. She sneaked a peak through the tinted glass behind her before giving Müller a nod through the mirror.

"Buckle up, kid." She said, bringing Giuseppe's blabbing to a stop. He looked at her puzzled.

She only nodded at the seat belt, urging him put it on.

Giuseppe obeyed her, he turned around to look outside the glass to see what was going on, and he noticed the car that speeded its way out of the traffic right when they did, trying to catch up to them.

He knew they were been tailed, and only one person came to his mind. "G- give me your phone." He said to Emma  urgently, still looking through the glass.

Emma looked at him when she heard his shaken voice, only to see his pale frightened face. Long gone the playful blabbering kid from few minutes ago.

"THE PHONE, GOD DAMN IT!" He yelled snatching it out of her hand.

Müller lifted his eyes to the mirror to glare at the insolent kid, but stopped when he saw his features. He's never seen him this scared.

He was always overbearingly playful that it was annoying at times.

The trio scrutinised the trembling kid, his hands were shaking terribly that he could even swipe the phone open.

Emma snatched it from him before dialling the one number she guessed he wanted. He only ever had one person she knows he would show these signs of great fear for.

She handed him the phone as it rang.

His tearful eyes looked up at her with a great deal of fear and pain in them. She couldn't help but feel a twitch in her heart. She felt for the boy she always saw so bright and cheerful.

Giuseppe took the phone with trembling hands. "S- sorella? Stai bene, sorella?" (S- sister? Are you okay, sister?"

Few moments later the phone slid down his hands, and a heart-wrenching loud sob followed. "No, no, no, no, it can't be. It can't be." The boy chanted.

"Hey, Giuseppe what's wrong?" Emma cradled the boy's face her hands, trying to understand what's wrong with him but in vain. He kept on repeating the same words while sobbing as if he was in denial of whatever news he just received.

Emma took her phone that fell in between the seats, she dialled the last number before putting it on her ear. "Where is Daniella?" Emma asked when the voice of one of the guards rang in her ears instead of Daniella's.

"S- she was killed, young miss. We were ambushed on the way back to the mansion, she was the target apparently." The guard explained.

Emma hang up, then looked at Müller. "Let them catch up to us." She ordered.

She knew whomever is not n their tail is after Giuseppe. They wanted him dead, and she'll be damned if she let them have it their way.

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