Book II - Part 11

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Third Person POV

"Sir, there's an urgent phone call for you." Jeff said, entering the living room where the Knights were having their family time, chatting about random stuff.

One look from Adam to the man and he knew he had to take the call. "I'l be right back, honey." He said kissing his wife's forehead.

Adam headed to his home office to take the call, leaving his family along with Müller chatting and laughing about some of Gisela antics.

Family time was something Adam ensured they regularly have to make sure they stay bonded and close to each other, it was scheduled weekly and they all had to be present even the little Gisela who was unaware of the exact meaning of the term 'family time'.

It was at first kind of uncomfortable for Giuseppe and Müller -who was considered family- who found it hard to be themselves seeing they were sort of forced to attend, but they gradually got used to it after a while and felt rather at ease with each passing session, one could say they're even looking forward to it especially since they got to see their little precious reminiscing about her pranks on the staff and planning new ones.


"Adam Knights speaking." Adam said as he put the office phone on his ear.

"Why are you doing this?" Asked the voice on the other side of the phone angrily.

"I told you to stay away from my family, didn't I?" Adam replied.

"And I did, I didn't even try to sneak a peek!" The voice exclaimed, irritated.

"Don't take me for a fool, Rob! You did not sneak a peek because you poked your entire head." Adam said, angry himself.

"What's so wrong with that? She doesn't remember a single thing. The only knows her name because you told her!" Rob yelled angrily.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you." Adam told him, mysteriously.

"What do you mean by that?" Rob asked.

"That's for you to find out, the only thing I want you to know right now is to stay the fuck away from me and my family or you and Max will not be able to fix things the next time." He warned.

"You can't just play with my company and expect me to stay still not doing anything about it." Rob said.

"Be my guest then, but can you really handle an all out war with me?" Adam challenged. "See, Rob, it's good to be belligerent especially in this business of ours, but being one without strategies and tactics to fight is foolish, pure and simple." He added, his tone mockingly condescending. 

"Why are you so damn ruthless! Why can't you just target the ones that deserve to be targeted?" Rob exclaimed, his tone held anger but his eyes shone with approval. Adam's sure doing him proud.

"They're next." He said simply. "I'm hanging up, my family's waiting for me." He told him.

"Wait, Adam! Can I at least see Gisela even if it's from afar." Rob pleaded.

"Don't you dare!" Adam hissed and slammed the phone down, hanging up on him.

He paced the room for a couple of minutes trying to pacify his raging temper before he walked to his desk, grabbed the phone and threw it on the wall when all his attempts proved futile.

"Triple Gisela's security details, make sure not an ant can go through them undetected or your job won't be the only thing you lose." He told Jeff who was standing still by the corner.

"Yes, sire." Jeff replied formally. He knew the old man ticked his boss off and he didn't want to be the one receiving the consequences of that, so he kept the questions that were swirling in his mind to himself. He had his ways of finding out anyways.

However one thing he couldn't keep to himself. "Sire, do you think Mrs. Knights regained her memories?" Jeff had to ask.

"Not sure yet, but there's a strong possibility she regained some of them." Adam replied.

"But the doctor said that the possibility of her regaining them is slim to none." Jeff said, confused.

Adam only nodded in response.

"Could it be the same person from five years ago?" Jeff asked.

"I don't know, but if Emma does regain her memories problems will arise. Problems that are most probably bigger than the ones five years back." Adam said.

"Sire, isn't it better to tell her everything before that happens?" Jeff asked hesitatingly.

Adam didn't answer instead he just looked straight ahead, as if he was in deep thought. Then he was up from his leaning position on his desk an looked at Jeff. "Take care of my kids security details, I don't want any unwanted people approaching them." He told him while looking right into his eyes before he exited the door.

Adam's assumptions about Emma were not baseless, they were conjured up from her behaviour in last couple of days. It was like he was living a sense of déjà-vu. The happenings from five years ago, the way she behaved, how she distanced herself from him and avoided him like a plague, are happening all over again.

The only difference is this time he had no pregnancy to blame them on, he was sure it had something to do with her lost memories. Memories he so desperately wanted to stay buried until the end of time.

Adam was afraid that process may accelerate with Rob lingering around her, so he hindered a deal he was supposed to sign with another company which caused the latter to lose a great amount of money. It was a warning from Adam for him to stay the fuck away from him and his family if he doesn't want to lose his life work.

He knew if the old man cherishes anything other than Emma, it's his company.

And seeing that he couldn't use his wife as a warning, Adam decided to use the second important thing for the man to serve his purpose.

He wasn't going to lose his family again, he'd do anything to prevent that from happening.


Hey, lovelies! I'm sorry for not updating for the last couple of days, I was busy with stuff.

I'm glad this story's back, I was afraid Wattpad took it down for good. Even though I have it backed up on my iPad I still wouldn't feel the motivation to republish it all over again while writing what's left of it.

Anyways, hope you enjoy the update, my lovelies!

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Until next time.


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