Part 8

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Third Person POV

Jeff caught Emma before she hit the floor. Her shivering never stopped, tears stained her face, her teeth grinding together loudly despite her unconsciousness.

The man knew he had to tell his boss, but was dreading the consequences of not going with her and not knowing the reason behind this sudden change of events.

He put her inside the car, and strapped her carefully before closing the door and heading to make a phone call.

The phone rung few times before Adam picked up. "You better have a good reason for disturbing me during the meeting." Adam stated calmly.

"I'm sorry, sir, but Mrs. Knights is in a critical condition."

"What's wrong with Emma?" His boss asked, suddenly alarmed.

"She came out shivering and in tears before suddenly dropping unconscious, we are heading home now." Jeff explained.

The only response he received was the beeping sound on the other side of the phone indicating that he hung up. Jeff headed to the driver seat, and when he was about to drive past the driveway of the complex, a middle aged man came out of the building and headed to his black sleek car.

He seemed rather familiar, Jeff was sure he saw him somewhere but couldn't pinpoint where exactly.

He shook those ideas off and headed to the Knights' mansion, he didn't want his boss to reach before him because if that happened there would be hell to pay.

However luck didn't seem to be on his side that day since Adam was by the door, impatiently pacing back and forth. He drove as if he was hunted down, he could've sworn he broke every traffic law out there but he could care less. He wanted to reach home as soon as possible, he wanted to see with his own eyes whether the situation was as bad as he imagined it to be.

He paced towards them when he saw Jeff pulling up at the entrance. He opened the door and bent down before gently lifting a very pale and unconscious Emma into his arms.

He gave Jeff one last look before heading upstairs with her to his room. He laid her on the bed, and started nursing her.


It was late that night when Emma stirred in her sleep, and started murmuring 'please, dad. I'm sorry.'

Adam gathered her trembling hands in his and caressed them soothingly, this wasn't new to him. He knew well the symptoms of her episodes, he was the always there on time when she experienced them. Never once failed to gather her in his warm and soothing embrace when needed, which may be one of the main reasons she couldn't break his heart by denying his request of marriage.

He was the only ray of light she had along the years of darkness that almost consumed her completely, she may not love him but she respected him greatly and that alone was more than enough for her.

Love never brought her but misery since the beginning, be it marital or parental she never experienced the true meaning of it.

Those people didn't leave her until she became a shell of herself. The only thing that survived was her physical form, and that too got snatched from her in the most brutal way possible. For the sake of those who could care less about what happened to her.

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