Book II - Part 7

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Third Person POV

Flashbacks (5 years ago.)

"I have your mother to thank for that." Smiled Sam affectionately at the little boy who was holding his still sleeping new born sister.

"What do you mean?" Giuseppe asked. "You can't just escape a group of hungry tigers in a locked room, can you?" Giuseppe was dumbfounded with this new revelation.

"Let's just say I made a deal with the devil, my soul for my life." Sam said mysteriously. "How did you know me and my story by the way, I'm sure you weren't there at the time." He asked the little boy.

"Müller showed me the recording of your session with mom, said it was mandatory for my training. Now I know why I was made to be familiar with your face." Giuseppe explained.

"Smart boy, I wouldn't have much trouble getting you where young miss wants you to be." Sam praised.

"When's the ambulance arriving? They're going to die if they lost anymore blood." Giuseppe inquired, looking at his mother and his mentor direction.

He couldn't approach them because of the sleeping baby in his arms, he still didn't move from his position, afraid to wake her up. Even though the little girl was only a couple of weeks old, he didn't want her to see her mother laying in a pool of her own blood, so he stayed put until the ambulance arrived.

Sam was about to answer when the sound of an ambulance approaching the building was heard. "They're here." Sam said instead of whatever statement he was going to utter. "Let's get you out of here." He added, trying to help the little boy up because it would be difficult for him to do it himself because of the baby in his arms.

"No, I'm going with mom." Giuseppe said when he saw that Sam was leading him to his car.

"We're going to follow them to the hospital." Sam said.

"No, I want to be with mom in the ambulance." Giuseppe said stubbornly.

"Okay, alright!" Sam said raising his arms up in the air with a sigh. "We'll ride with them then." He added.


"Can you borrow me your phone?" Giuseppe asked Sam as they sat in the arm chairs in the corridor outside the OR where Müller and Emma were being operated on in.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"I want to call dad." Giuseppe said honestly.

Sam looked at him for a while, he knew the little boy meant Adam Knights and not his real dad, so he sat straight and turned to face him. "Listen, I know your mother might not have been able to tell you because of the sudden attack and all but you're not supposed to call anyone, much less your dad." Sam informed.

"She did." Giuseppe answered.


"She told me everything in details, how I'm supposed to act and what I'm supposed to do if something happened to her." Giuseppe told him.

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