Part 38

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Third Person POV

"What do you want?" Asked Emma icily. She wasn't in the mood of his crap.

"We need to meet." He said.

"Why would I meet you? We have nothing to talk about, I'm sure your loyal eunuch conveyed my words to you already." Answered Emma.

"That's no way to describe your father! I didn't peg you for a rude and ungrateful person." The man reprimanded disappointedly.

A loud cynical laughter resonated through the phone, then it stopped all of sudden all that was left was silence.

Thick and uncomfortable silence.

"Rude and ungrateful, eh?" She asked sarcastically. "And I certainly didn't peg you for a funny person." She retorted. "Why do you want a meeting with me so suddenly? You childhood sweetheart is not so sweet anymore, huh?"

"We were once married, Emma. Nothing will erase that. Not even you." Her ex-husband said.

"Were not are. You have no right to ask anything of me, and I have no obligation to show any kind of courtesy towards you or what we once supposedly shared. Have a good life with your wife and cheating ways away from me and my family or you'll be in for one hell of a surprise." She warned.


"Goodbye, Michael." Emma cut him off mid-sentence.

And just when she was about to hang up, he yelled, "I'm coming to your home if you don't come to meet me."

"I dare you!" Emma said coldly.

"I will meet you before I go back home, it's for you to decide whether we'll do it privately or in your house where your husband resides." Michael threatened.

"Mother fucker!" She cursed. "Alright! I'll send you the address be there tomorrow 10 am sharp or I'm going." She instructed before hanging up on him.


Emma was pacing around in circles, almost shaking in worry of the consequences of this sudden call. Not because her ex husband called her nor is it because he requested a meeting with her, no it was solely because of Adam.

She knew Adam's temper, especially when it's related to the opposite sex. However, if she told him that her ex of all people wants to meet with her, he would flip.

And there's Michael on the other hand, she knows him to be very persistent and insanely stubborn. If she doesn't show up, he would most certainly put his threat in action. Then his head may not be intact by evening if Adam came to see him in their home.

It's not like she was worried about him, she was worried about her own self. She may not come out of this mess her ex is about to create unscathed.


A pair of hands wrapped themselves around her waist, and a head found its way to her neck, startling her out of her thoughts. "What are you thinking about?" Came her husband's voice from behind her.

"You scared me, Adam!" She exhaled a sigh. "Nothing, just some random stuff." She answered his question.

"Random stuff don't cause a person to be detached from their surroundings." He said. "Tell me." He urged.

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