Part 7

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Emma Sampson POV

My tour with Adam's mother, Patricia was finally over, after hours of going from a store to another before we finally found the perfect ones.

I was climbing out of the car with Jeff holding the door open for me when my phone rung. "Hello." I said tiredly.

"What's wrong? You seem off." Adam asked.

"Just a bit tired that's all." I replied.

"Are you home yet?"

"No, I went back to my place to take something before going home."

"You should've sent Jeff to bring whatever you want and take a rest, or wait until tomorrow to do it." Adam reprimanded.

"It'll only take few minutes, Adam. Don't worry." I assured. "Are you coming home tonight?"

"Yes, I still have one last meeting to attend before I leave." He said, I could sense his smile through his tone.

"I'll be waiting for you there then." I smiled.

"Take care, love, and don't leave Jeff's side." He instructed, sternly.

"I will, bye." I replied, hanging up.

I exited the elevator and headed to my condo's door before punching the code in.

A voice I dreaded hearing the most stopped me in the middle of the stairs. "Is this what you left your family and whatever we could offer you for?"

I froze in my place when I recognised the voice that came from the dimmed place next to the fireplace. However I forced my composer back on before faced him.

I refused to let him see me shaken up. "What are you doing here?" I asked indifferently.

"To check up on you and tell you it's about time you quit this childish rebellion of yours." He said calmly.

I looked at him for a while, like really looked at him before bursting into a humourless fits of laughter.

"What's so funny?" He asked annoyed.

"Check up on me, childish rebellion? Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you the one who disowned me, and threw me out of the house when I refused to forgive my cheating husband?" I mocked.

"That is in the past now! He is ready to take you back even after everything you did, so pack whatever you have because you're coming with me right now!" He snapped.

"There is it." I chuckled.


"The reason the mighty David Sampson remembered his disgrace." I was hurt that the reason my father sought his only daughter after two whole years was because of his greed, he was willing to sell me all over again if it meant his precious pockets won't be affected. "It's all in the past now, you say, come back you say? Is he doing me a favour by accepting me back? Did I ask him to do so? Remind me who used who, who crushed who, who cheated on who?" My broken tone would bring anyone who heard it to their knees, begging for forgiveness, then why was my father indifferent?

"This is our last chance, don't mess it up!" The same cold and detached tone I grew accustomed to.

"Your last chance, not mine!" I snapped. "What was I expecting." I murmured lowly while looking at him.

I turned on my heels to leave the damned place before I lose the last bit of sanity I still hold. "My marriage will be taking place in few days, all of you are welcomed to attend, but after that I want nothing to do with you." I informed. Not that he didn't know, I know for a fact that the reason they suddenly decided to barge into my life once again was because of him. He must have heard or read about it, so he thought it was time to send his messengers.

"Over my dead body! I'll not allow any whore to disgrace my name, I'll drag you with me if I have to!" He spat hatefully.

A whore? Is that what he thinks of me?

An intense and sharp pain sliced through my head along with a wave of dizziness that brought me to my knees with a loud hiss. Both of my hands shot towards my head, grabbing it tightly, silently begging for it to stop.

I was disoriented for few minutes, but I could still see him coming my way with a concerned look. I bet it's not me he was concerned about.

I stopped him with my hand when I saw he was trying to touch me. "I don't need your help, just disappear from my life already. Let me live in peace! Is it too much of a request that all of you decided to swarm back into my life when I started finding my happiness again. Please just leave me in peace." I murmured before standing up shakily and exiting the door to the elevator, my heart was pounding wildly in my ribcage because of the intense pain I was experiencing.

I wish I forget.

How can my family, my own father and brother treat me the way they did. Don't they love me? Did money blind them that much?

Adam would kill if he saw a tear in my eyes, then why my father was so persistent to destroy every last bit of sanity left in me.

What did I do that was so wrong that I'm being punished like this. Didn't they torture me enough?

I wish I forget every last memory I have of them, maybe then I would be a bit happier.

I wish only Adam remains.

Would I be happy if I was dead? Would they be?

I think I should, that way everyone would be happy.

But then again Adam would be devastated. He would never forgive me, would hate me for eternity.

Dead or not I would never find peace knowing I harmed the only person that truly cared about me.

Many thoughts swarmed into my brain from everywhere while I was looking in the mirror of the elevator at my sickly pale complexion, intensifying the intense pain that was eating every last fibre of my being.

My body was shaking uncontrollably because of it, and I wished nothing more than to go home and surrender to an eternal sleep where I never wake up again.

I was familiar with these episodes, and so was Adam. The doctors said that they were psychological, the trauma caused by the accident combined with whatever memories that went through my mind while driving that night caused them. That even after I'm completely healed I would still have them as a reminder of what I went through.

However apparently my father was one of the triggers that would trigger them.

"Mrs. Knights, are you alright?" Jeff asked when he saw me exiting the complex. Maybe because of the unusual paleness that was covering my whole being, and the uncontrollable shaking.

"I am. Just take me hom-" suddenly everything around me darkened.


Hey, my lovelies!

I'm sorry for the late update, but I'm truly busy with a lot of stuff and preparing my PFE (projet fin d'études). However I'll try my best to update frequently.

Hope you enjoy it.

Please don't forget to vote and comment.

Until next time, happy reading.


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