Book II - Part 18

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Third Person POV

"Alright, it's about time you know everything anyway." Adam said. "But you have to promise me not to get angry because I didn't hide this from you on purpose, I was under an oath." He added, looking at her.

Emma nodded. "I'll try." She vocalised.

"Let's see, where should I start?" The question was to himself, but Emma replied nonetheless.

"How about with the revelations of five years ago that led Emma to bomb you?" She suggested.

"The Protectors?" He asked.

She nodded.

"Well, The Protecters are something I inherited from my ancestors. They have been around for a very long time, after the underworld leaders decided to elect the strongest one of them to lead them almost a century ago. At that time the Head Family's identity was known among the whole underworld, they were similar to monarchs, everyone from the underworld would seek them whenever a problem faces them. They were rich enough to build a whole country from scratch and manage it in prosperity, the other key members were only allowed to have quarter the amount of their wealth, that was the only law that everybody has to abide by for the prosperity of the underworld to continue unhindered, and all of the families were okay with that rule for a while at least." Adam narrated. "However since humans are rebellious and greedy by nature, problems were bound to arise." He added.

"What happened?"

"Riots started from within some of the families, not the leaders but their heirs. The youngsters of some of the families decided that they want to upgrade things, and they want to start by the monarchy system. They wanted an excuse to take it down so they requested a meeting with the head of the Head Family saying they have something to discuss." Adam said.

"The rule?" Emma asked.

He nodded at her. "They want it abolished, saying it was unfair to the other families to stay in the same position while the Monarchs keep prospering when they can do it too. They were sure the Monarchs would refuse which would give them the justification they need to bring them down, but the head of the Monarchs knew their plan so he agreed to their terms, but on one condition." Adam continued.

"What condition?"

"The group that met him was to step aside from their families businesses, they were to be put in exile for harbouring evil intentions to the Monarchs and threatening the stability of the underworld. Of course the group was shocked twice, the first being that the head of the Monarchs agreed to their terms and the second was because of the condition. He made it seem like he wants peace, but at the last moment declared war on them. He told them that he doesn't negotiate with enemies, and that he doesn't need any evidence to have them executed but he was being considerate because of their families which is why he's going to exile them instead." Adam continued his tale.

"Exile? Were the mafia in one place?" Emma asked.

"The key members of the mafia were all gathered in one place, Germany, the mafia had it under control at the time, but they had people around the world." He replied.

"What happened after?"

"Their families were called, and the agreement was issued and signed. The heirs were to depart after a week from the signing day to different parts of the world so that they never meet each other again. However they decided to use that remaining time to proceed with their original plan, they tried to take the Monarchs down so the assassins were sent to the palace where the Monarchs resided and all hell broke loose that night. The causalities were several but only from the servants and the guards. They defended the Monarchs with their lives, and since the heirs made sure all communication were cut from the place to the outside, the Monarchs only had their workers to help them facing the invasion. When morning came only the Monarchs and a couple of their guards were standing. Bodies from both sides were around them in piles." He said.

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