Part 15

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Emma Sampson POV

"Zeus is involved." Stated Müller.

"What?" Jürgen's head shot up from Adam's wound to him.

"Fucking pay attention, Jürgen!" I snapped.

I was furious at each and everything. How Adam was laying unconscious on our wedding day, how my wedding was ruined because of a bunch of stupid fuckers, and now I find out that this mess was because of Zeus fucking greedy ass.

To top it off, the person who's helping me operating on Adam on this shitty place wasn't paying attention to the most important thing at hand.

"I want him in the house in an hour." I ordered stitching Adam up.

I saw he was about to leave, so I spoke. "Call Großer Bruder too."

"Yes, ma'am." He obliged before leaving.

"Prepare the car, we'll move him to the hospital." I said to one of the bodyguards stationed outside the curtain in which we were inside before I put the gloves I was wearing off, while Jürgen wrapped the tools back in the case.

"Isn't the infirmary a much better option." Questioned Jürgen.

"No, I want him under professionals' care while I take care of this mess." I said.


I parked my car in front the house and gave the keys to the valet before storming in the house.

Zeus approached me along with Müller.

Zeus' poster however was much cautious, submissive even. The way he approached me was as if he was carefully gauging my reaction before acting.

That's one of the reasons he was chosen as the Crawlers leader. He knew when and to whom he should submit. He was also good at reading people.

But I'm not just anyone. He should've known better.

"Later." I raised my hand stopping whatever he opened his mouth to utter.

I went upstairs, stripped my bloody and shattered wedding gown off before heading to the shower, untangling the pins from my hair and dropping them on the floor on my way, creating a trail of them behind me.

I had an hour long, and much needed, boiling hot shower to relax my muscles and to rewind the happenings from the past few hours.

They dared to sabotage my wedding for something as petty as a grudge against my employee!

They dared to hurt my husband to achieve their goal!

Anger flared within me. They would pay, heavily for ever casting a glance my way.

I finished my shower and wore a pair of dark ripped jeans and a dark purple shirt, put my hair in a ponytail before heading downstairs.


Zeus got on his knees with his head bowed, the moment he saw me descending.

"P- please forgive me. I didn't know they'll go there." He pleaded in a shaky voice.

"Wasn't the money I gave you enough to clear your debts?" I asked as calm as I could manage.

"Yes, it was." Was his reply.

"Then why the fuck would you go and gamble again when I clearly forbid you!"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist."

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