Book II - Part 13

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Unknown POV

I was busy sorting through the endless piles of documents that were on my desk when there were five consecutive urgent knocks on the door. "Come in." I permitted without stopping what I was doing.

"Sir, the little miss went missing." My trusted secretary slash bodyguard said, heaving. He seemed to have run quite a distance to reach here, and seeing that it was lunch time I would say he ran all the way from the dinner where he usually have his meals in, and most probably took the stairs instead of the elevator.

"What little miss?" I asked casually.

"The Knights' little miss." He answered.

I snapped my head up towards him from the papers in front of me. "What the hell? Is it one of us?" I asked him, suddenly alert.

"No, sir. The elders had nothing to do with it?" He said.

"Then who the hell would do such thing?" I asked myself. If the little miss went missing that means hell would break loose, the first person Rob would think of would be me or one of the elders. Her father would also think of me seeing that I'm his competitor and one of my most important clients just went to him. That would certainly make a good reason in his eyes for me to do it.

And that's not good, not by a long shot, especially at this time where we basically have nothing to hold onto. Adam Knights and Rob are not people we could handle ticking in our current situation. Hell, we can't even handle messing with one of them, let alone both of them at once. "Who was with her when she went missing?" I asked him.

"All of her bodyguards." He replied.

"What about Müller? Was he there too?" I asked, my tone urgent.

"That's where things get fishy." My secretary seemed hesitated.

"Why? What happened?"

"It's odd enough that the kidnappers took the car designated for the little girl instead of leaving it behind them seeing that it would most probably contain something to help the Knights locating it, but Müller disappeared along with her too." He explained.

"Müller disappeared!" I exclaimed. "I don't know about the other guards, but the Müller I know is not one to be kidnapped or let someone be kidnapped under his watch. Much less his young miss' little girl. Something is terribly wrong, and we have to find out what that is before it causes us trouble." I told him.

"What do you suggest we do, sir?"

"Do some digging for me, I want to know what Müller has been doing the last few years exactly, I want his every movement." I ordered.

"You think Müller orchestrated this whole thing?"

"I'm sure he did, but what I want to know is why. Did he turn his back on his young miss like he did to us for her or does he have other plans?" I said.

"Other plans?" My secretary questioned.

"Maybe he's using the little girl as his ticket back to the group, the elders would be supper joyful to have a leverage on A.L the Knights." I explained.

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