Book II - Part 37

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Third Person POV

"Müller had a second cardiac arrest, the doctors are giving up on him." Sam's words kept on playing on repeat in Emma's ears all the way to the hospital.

She didn't utter a word all the way to it.

It no use to express anger on uninvolved parties, she was preserving her energy to deal with those stupid, thick-headed doctors.

Soon enough Emma and Greta came barging in the hospital, still in their bloody clothes.

One of the guards ushered them to the ICU floor where Jürgen, Sam, and Puerto were standing along with one of the doctors.

"Who is it!" Emma asked before she reached them, but she would be right in front of them in no time if she maintained the speed she was moving with. Her steps were firm and indicated confidence despite her fast pace. "Who is the fucker who defied me!" She repeated.

"I-" the doctor who was standing with the trio stepped up, but Emma was in front of him before he could finish his statement.

She slapped him so hard that her fingers prints etched on his face in a bright red colour. "There is no "you" in here, only my voice is to be heard and my orders to be followed." She stabbed her finger in his chest. His face is still bent down a bit and facing the other way, the direction Emma's slap led it to. "When I say cure him, cure him. Don't go acting the way you deem fit." She added.

"But, Mrs. Knights, he can't-"

Emma kicked him with her foot in the middle of his leg causing him to hiss of the sharp pain. "Bring him back, even if you have to go to the other world and escort him back from it, or I'll personally send you there myself. You and each one of your staff." She threatened.

"Yes, Mrs. Knights." The doctor obliged.

"How was he?" Emma asked Puerto while she looked at the doctor running back inside the ICU and shooting orders at his staff.

She looked at him when he didn't answer fast.

"He was in a very bad shape, blood covering him everywhere. He had cuts and bruises all over his body, they seemed to have tortured him while he was stuck in the car after the crash. The doctors say he may never walk again even he was saved." Puerto said.

"Jürgen, what about I asked of you?" She asked instead of commenting.

"They're waiting for you in the dungeons of the Monarchs' palace." He answered.

"Let's go then." She said. "Guard him well, and if any of those doctors comes out without saving him, bury them with him. No one is to come out of this hospital alive if something happens to him." She ordered Sam and Puerto.

"Yes, young miss." They both said at the same time.

"And secure the hospital well, double or triple the security, do whatever it takes to make this place a fortress until everything is over." She added.

"On it." Sam said.

"Let's go." She said to Greta and Jürgen.

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