Part 42

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Third Person POV

"The gang that sabotaged your wedding was not killed by a new gang, it was an order from a rather old mafia family. However it's up to you to figure out who are they and why are they lingering around you."

Michael's words rang in her head when Müller mentioned the same gang. She then put two and two together and figured that maybe just maybe Adam, just like what Michael said is indeed hiding something, and that something is concerning her.

"Michael mentioned something about an old mafia family ordering the hit, is it Adam's?" She asked a still kneeling Müller.

"I'm sorry, young mi-"

"Aren't you kneeling right now so that you prove to me that your loyalty lays with me?" Emma cut him off with a question.

"Indeed, young miss. However that's not an area I want to you digging in, it could get ugly." He confessed.

"Don't you see it? I'm the centre of this whole ordeal, I'm already involved. The only one who can protect me is my own self, but I can't do anything if I'm blindsided. I'll just be an easy target. I did not become A.L by sitting in my place welcoming danger with open arms, so you will answer my questions if your loyalty really lays with me." She said sternly.

"Then, I'll tell you this instead, what I told you about the place the gang's bodies were disposed of was a lie. It was not new, it had just been awhile since it was used. In fact it's rarely ever used since it belongs to a certain part of the mafia that prefers to stay in the shadows." He said instead of answering her question.

"And this certain part of the mafia just suddenly decided to resume their killings using the mafia who hurt Adam as a start! The more I dig in this mess the more complicated it gets." She sighed frustratedly.

"I'm sorry, young miss. I should've told you earlier, but I thought the less you know the safer you are especially since they need you to stay at the top of the pyramid. I never knew your safety would actually be compromised once again with all the leverages you have." Müller sincerely apologised.

Emma crouched down so she was in level with him. She looked at him in the eyes, her hand on his shoulder before speaking. "I know you care about my safety, I never doubted that, not for one second because if not for you I would have never break free from my haunting past, and would most probably be  dead by now. However you should have told me the second I re-entered their zone once again, that way I would have prepared better." She then, stood back up and continued defeatedly. "Now with my sudden pregnancy and my worsening condition, I don't know if I'll be able to deal with this."

Müller's head snapped up when she told him about the pregnancy, he looked at her back for sometime, then he looked back down. He released a silent long breath. "Why not?" He asked her, suddenly his tone very stern and reprimanding.

Emma turned around to look at him, surprised at the sudden change of his tone and posture.

Müller stood up from his kneeling position, and advanced towards her. "You've passed multiple hurdles as the weak and hopeless Emma with your sickness, hurdles that are ten times harder than this one with no one to back you up. And now that you are the A.L with a whole army of men behind you, ready to give their lives at your command and one of the world's most powerful companies under your command you say you can't overcome something so trivial that Giuseppe can find his way out of it?" He told her, disappointment clear in his tone.

Emma felt her blood boil, how dare he! "I was not pregnant at that time! I had nothing to lose at that time! I had the flames of rage burning through my veins to fuel my willpower to fight my sickness and overcome it even for a small period of time so that I avenge my mother! Now my fear for my unborn baby is all I can see." She raged.

"If your desire to avenge your mother fuelled your willpower back then, let the desire to see your child and hold it in your arms fuel you now. You still have a revenge to execute, your mother's killers are still out there enjoying their lives with her money. Your child may be in great danger the moment it's known that you're pregnant, your child may be turned into you if something happen to you. No one will be able to protect it if you left this issue unsolved. Fight for your family, for your happiness, for your mother who was killed cold-bloodily, and most importantly fight for yourself." Müller knew she lost the will and the confidence she once possessed. She lost her drive, he also knew of that happened than she will be in a greater danger because no one can protect her if they found out that A.L is no longer there to fear. So he had to do something about that, he had to prevent it from happening no matter what.

"Family, you say?" She questioned sarcastically. "Just what family are you talking about? A wife who was eaten by guilt for years for using her husband who seemed to care for nothing more than her, or a husband who played his wife for a fool and used her as a pawn in the same game she thought she was using him to win? What a perfect family I have! What a perfect family my child will have!" She chuckled humourlessly.

Müller felt bad for her. He didn't know how to reply that, so he kept quite.

"Let me ask you one last thing, Müller." She said after few moments of silence.

Müller nodded his head. "Go ahead."

"Is my brother involved in this too?" She asked.

When he didn't speak, Emma spoke again. "What about Papa?"

Emma got her answer from Müller's silence. "I guess that's why the guy who called told me to keep quite about whatever he told me, that I could only tell you and Jürgen." She said.

She then, headed to the exit with heavy steps, shoulders low, and head partially down. She looked and sounded completely defeated, and who wouldn't when you find out that the people you fought for with your life don't deserve lifting a finger for let alone soaking your hands in blood for them.

Müller watched Emma as she exited the room with a heavy heart, he felt for her.

"They would pay for whatever they put you through, on that I swear."


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