Part 10

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Third Person POV

It was a very dark night without neither the moonlight nor the stars to guide the lost. In a dark alley somewhere in Berlin, two barely prominent shadows were having what seemed to be a rather discreet meeting.

"Everything is going according to the plan, we're just few steps away from achieving our goal." Smirked the woman, evilly.

"Are you sure you can continue the plan without hindrance?" Asked the guy, worry etching all over his features.

"What is that supposed to mean? And what's with that expression?" The woman asked offended.

"You know for how many years we've been planning this, for our sake and for-" He sighed. "I guess I'm just a bit worried." He added calmly after awhile.

"That I'll forget the main reason I'm doing all this, that I'll forget what we went through that easily? I'm offended, Großer Bruder!"

"You know that's not what I mean because according to the vow we will remind you if you ever forgot." He said in his usual stern tone that never failed to hold a warning in it.

However she knew she deserve what will happen to her if she ever forgot her initial goal, their enemy deserve no peace after wrecking their lives up.

"But?" She urged, knowing that there is something else bothering him.

"Affection has to destroy something for it to heal another. It's lethal on our mission. It will make you choose one of the two one day." He kept it at that.

"It's the least I can give him. Love maybe out of question, but that small bit of affection is something I can't deprive him of. For my sake, otherwise, guilt will eat me alive." The woman replied sadly.

"For his sake, you better keep it neutral. Always be on guard, you don't know when or who will take advantage of the first moment you put your guards down." The man advised before putting the hoodie on, and retreating into darkness.

She knew what he meant by keeping it neutral, she must have showed too much emotions while speaking about him.

He must have felt disappointed that she couldn't control her expressions after he helped her mastering the said art to perfection.


She spent few moments standing in the same place, lost in her thoughts before finally snapping out of it and turning around and start walking towards the black sports car she parked couple blocks away.

For normal people, being in that side of the city in such hour was suicidal even for men, let alone a woman walking alone.

However she wasn't just anyone, she was a lot more than just a delicate secretary of a billionaire. She was more than capable of handling masters in martial arts let alone some lousy drunk men or good for nothing perverts.

Life taught her multiple lessons, among them to fight for anything she wanted, and she wanted nothing more than avenging them. So she has to fight for her wish to come true.


When she reached her car, she hopped in and sped down the road. She was glad the streets were empty, which allowed her to drive the way she used to.

She missed how free and otherworldly amazing being behind the steering wheel made her feel, she rolled the window down allowing the strong breeze to play with her short locks before she travelled down the memory lane.

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