Surprise surprise !!!!!!

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Taking a few steps backwards, Kyra placed her hand on her mouth, and tried to make  sense of her thoughts. She was not ready to believe the unbelievable, It just didn't make sense. She can't possibly be the Druids princess! The statue is stone for heavens sake! He is not real! But the vows played inside her mind like a symphony, and without realizing what she was doing, she shut her eyes, and recited them softly. When she opened her eyes, she realized that she had to come back here again, when the sun gets ready to set. She would have to jump the fence again, but she would do it, for her peace of mind.

Walking back to her hotel in deep thought, she knew that her friends would think she was crazy if she told them of her suspicions. Could it be possible that she really was a princess from another lifetime, or was she losing her mind? She asked herself this questions a million times before she concluded that there was only one way to find out.

The only way to put to rest her crazy suspicions and move on with her life was to go back later when the tourist were gone and the site was closed down, and see once and for all if it was her imagination playing tricks on her or if somehow the notion that she really was once a princess was the truth.

What would happen, she thought, if she went back at sundown, recited the vows and dropped a few tears on his feet, would he come to life? She had to admit that her wild imagination was getting the best of her, but for her peace of mind, she decided it was important enough to go back just prove to herself that all these ridiculous ideas were silly, and perhaps then, she can move on with her life and put all of this behind her!

The next couple of hours, as the clock was ticking away, Kyra was growing anxious. She showered, dressed, and slipped into her gym shoes. Pulling back her long, thick, golden tresses, she tied them into a pony tail, and was ready to go. She didn't have much time left before the sun was going to set, and she took the elevator down to the hotel's lobby, and raced out to the street.

Kyra looked down at the ruby ring that was still on her finger, and she couldn't understand how it was possible that the Prince was wearing the same kind of ring on his finger. Where did this ring come from? How can it appear out of no where, and why was she the only one who saw it?

Was someone playing a joke on her? And suddenly it hit her like a ton of bricks! She stopped in the middle of the street, her eyes grew wide, and she threw her head back, and laughed out loud. Someone beeped their horn at her, and she quickly got off the street, and looked around at her surroundings.

Her family and friends were playing a trick on her, she was sure of it! Today was her birthday, and she jokingly had told her friends that she wanted a Prince Charming for her birthday before she left for Scotland! They had set her up, they are here, and they will surprise her! That is why no one has called her yet to wish her a happy birthday, they are pretending that they don't remember, so she can have the surprise of her life.

Her heart warmed at the thought of her family and friends, going through all the trouble to come all the way to Scotland just for her. Her parents are millionaires, they probably rented out the entire Edinburg castle grounds!

Well then, she thought. I will play dumb and go to the statue, and pretend I really believe the prince will come to life, and pull a fast one on them! Her eyes sparkled with joy. This is the best birthday ever!

She looked up in the sky and knew that very soon, the sun was going to set, and she must get there on time and not keep her birthday guests waiting. She felt very blessed that her family and friends loved her so much, and flew all the way to Scotland, just to celebrate her birthday with her.

Running up the inclining pathway to the site, she looked around to see if she could spot a friend or two, but they have done a great job hiding themselves, she thought with a smile. She went around the yard and jumped over the fence, and smiled to her self, this is fun, she thought, and decided to play their game and act very surprised when they finally do show themselves.

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