Return to me

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Michael excused himself, wanting desperately to go to Kyra's bedside. He was excited that his brother finally will have his own soulmate, and he would leave Kyra alone. Running up the stairs, Michael walked over to his mothers bed chamber, and slowly opened the door. His mother was still sitting on the chair next to the bed where Kyra still slept.

Lidia threw her son a glance and placed her finger on her lips, "Please go away, Kyra needs peace and quiet."'she whispered.

"I'm not here to create a problem mother, I'm here to take care of my betrothed!" He whispered back.

"You could of fooled me son!" She said in a low tone.

"It wasn't my fault, Edward got into my business! Please mother, let me take care of her!" Michael begged.

Lidia sighed, and lifted herself off the chair, "I will be back in half an hour, if she wakes up before that, please don't say anything to upset her." His mother warned.

"Don't worry about me mother, worry about getting yourself to fathers chamber, because you have been ignoring him of late, and that will not sit well with him." Michael told her.

Lidia left the room, closing the door behind her, and Michael sat down in the chair, and looked at his soulmate. He was overwhelmed with feelings of love for her. He noticed the scars on her back had started to heal, being a Druidess, the skin heals faster, and Michael knew that soon all the scars will have disappeared from her back.

Unable to hold off anymore, Michael leaned over the bed, and caressed Kyra's soft cheeks.

He needed her badly, and wondered if he could get into bed with her while she slept. Without a second thought, Michael lifted his body of the chair, removed his kilt, and climbed into the bed, next to Kyra's warm body. It was a bold move, but he was desperate.

Gently wrapping his arms around his betrothed, Michael closed his eyes and allowed himself the luxury of holding his soulmate. Kyra stirred a little, and Michael's heart stopped beating, afraid that she would awake, and reject his advances. Soon after, he fell into deep sleep. Michael was exhausted, and needed to catch up on his sleep.

A half hour later, when Lidia returned, and found her son in bed with Kyra, she knew that she was not needed anymore, knowing without a doubt, that Michael would be a good caretaker to his soulmate.

Closing the door to her chambers, Lidia walked a few doors down the hallway, and opened the door to Williams room. Her soulmate was standing naked in front of the window staring out into the moonless night.

"William." She whispered his name softly.

William turned slowly around, and Lidia's eyes dropped to his erection that had tripled in size. Her eyes slowly lifted to his, and she took a step forward.

"You abandon me Lidia." William said hoarsely, and pulled her petite body against his muscled chest.

Lidia did not have time to respond, because her soulmate's lips crashed brutally on hers, as he devoured her. Lifting her into his arms, William could not wait a second longer. He brought her to his bed, and dropped her on it, before he climbed next to her, removed her gown, and took without hesitation what belonged to him.

He waited patiently for years to have her, and now he collected what was owed to him. He loved her to eternity and back, and she knew it, and when he heard her sweet cries of passion, William let go of himself inside her, and as his body trembled above hers, he promised her that they will never be apart ever again.


Edward lay in his bed wide awake, knowing that It was going to be another sleepless night for him. Many things troubled his mind, and he closed his eyes, and images of Kyra appeared to him, but this Kyra was a little different, her hair was shorter than he knows it to be, and a shade darker.

Opening his eyes, he stared into the dark room, and wondered what just happened. Why would he see a different version of Kyra? That didn't make sense. Troubled by his thoughts and images, Edward flipped his body to his other side, and forced himself to sleep, because he knew tomorrow would be another long day.

Thank you for your votes and comments, they mean the world to me. Xoxxoxxoxoxxoxo

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