The binding contract

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Morning came, and the sun danced over Scotland, and warmed everything in its way. The sparkling rays filtered through the silk curtains that framed the huge window in Kyra's chamber, and the Druidess looked across the room and found her Prince leaning against the stone wall, staring at her with his beautiful emerald eyes that darkened as soon as they met hers.

B@stard! She thought, as she climbed out of bed, and combed her hair with her fingers, not noticing the lace ribbon that had somehow come loose, and opened up the front of her pretty gown, exposing her round and firm breasts.

Michael could not tare his eyes away from her breasts, and his erection pushed right through his kilt demanding to be released of its burden, but he did not want to force her. He will never force her, ever! He thought wildly, and finally lifted his eyes and met hers.

"Are you ready to sign the contract?" He said in a rich and deep voice.

She nodded not trusting herself to speak, ignoring the pain that tugged at her heart.

"I will be back, you are not to leave this room until I come back, and you sign the contract." He told her coldly, and he turned around and walked to the door, grabbed the door handle, but hesitated before he turned it open, and then he took a deep breath and stepped out.

Kyra felt dizzy with grief. Life is not fair, she thought, as her tears glided down her porcelain face. She walked to the window and pulled back the silk curtain, and watched as her father was taking charge and training the warriors for battle.

"Did you sleep well princess?" Edwards voice was gentle and soothing, so much different than Michael's aggressive one, she thought, as she turned around and found him leaning against the doorway. His eyes dropped to the front of her gown, and his heart pounded wildly against his chest. She had the most beautiful pair of breasts he had ever seen. His erection almost exploded on its own.

Kyra followed his gaze, and was mortified to find the lace ribbon on her gown untied. Quickly tieing it together and hiding her breasts, she looked up at him embarrassed by what had happened.

"Im sorry." She whispered.

Taking a deep inhalation of breath, Edward looked at her, and did everything he could to keep himself from claiming her his. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. His brother was a fool, he thought.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." He said hoarsely, and he watched as tears glided down her angelic face, and in two long strides he was in front of her, and he wrapped her in his strong and possesive arms, and held her against his muscled chest.

"What has my foolish brother done this time Kyra, that you cry so?" He asked, in a deep and rich voice that sounded almost exactly like his twin brother, and Kyra explained to him about the contract.

Edward pulled her away from him, and looked down at her, "Contract? Such contract does not exist!" He said, narrowing his eyes, and thinking that she misunderstood his brother.

"Yes it does. Your brother went to get it so I could sign it!" She said, as freshof tears glided down her cheeks.

Anger speared in his heart, as the warrior turned around and headed out the door.

"Edward, where are you going, please don't do anything stupid!" She begged him, afraid that he was going to confront his brother and quarrel with him.

Edward stopped in his tracks and turned around, Kyra could see anger blazing in his eyes, "My brother is a fool, and I'm going to kill him!" He said threw gritted teeth, and he was out the door before she could stop him.

The Druid marched across the hallway, down the wide staircase and all the way to the library where he knew his brother was. He was going to beat his brother senseless, for torturing Kyra.

Crashing open the wooden door to the library, Edward walked in, and found his brother with the Healer going over a few papers. Both men looked up, surprised to see him there, and Michael walked around the table, and stood before his brother in a warriors stance.

"What the h£ll do you think you are doing barging in here like a beast?" Michael roared.

Edward ignored his brother and marched over to where the Healer was, and snatched the paper right out of his hand. He threw a quick glance at it, and was stunned. This was not a contract, but magic for protection on Kyra's life.

"What is the meaning of this?" Edward asked, in a less aggressive tone, having realized that he over reacted to begin with.

"It is magic that Edward created for Kyra, to protect her until she exchanges her wedding vows with Michael, but in order for it to work, she has to sign it, and be placed in the tower." The Healer said, looking from Edward to Michael, and preparing himself in case they decided to attacked each other.

"I don't understand, Kyra told me about some kind of contract he was going to have her sign so they could sleep around once their married!" He growled, and threw Michael a killer look.

"Why don't you mind you own bussiness brother, and keep away from my bride! Find your own wife, and leave mine alone before I kill you!" Michael yelled in a threatening tone.

"He just told her that so she could sign this paper, he didn't want her to know what was written on it." The healer explained.

"Do you think Kyra is dumb, and not read it before she signs it?" Edward asked, angry that they were going to trick her into signing the paper.

"Michael's plan was to get her angry enough where she would sign anything just to get rid of him." The Healer said. "It is crucial she sign it, the magic will only work if her signature is on it, and this might be her only hope of survival once the witches of East Wick come for her on her wedding day!"

Edward stood motionless not understanding the full extent of Kyra's position on doomsday.

"What is she up against, why are they targeting her?" He asked, with a trembling voice, scared that something might happen to her. Michael detected the depth of his brothers feelings for his betrothed in his voice, and a knife pierced through his heart. He now confirmed his suspicions about what he suspected all along. His brother was in love with his soulmate.

Walking across the room, he dropped himself on a wooden chair that was by the wall, and ran his fingers through his thick mane of black hair. He was caught in the middle of a lovers triangle between his soulmate, his brother, and himself. Oh what a mess this has turned out to be, he thought sadly.

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