I want to go home

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"You will be the death of me Nessa." He whispered, and he let go of her arms, and lifted his huge warrior body off her.

He zapped a new kilt around his tapered waist, and walked towards the water. The ocean waves sprayed over his feet and he welcomed the distraction. She sucked the very air that he breathed, he thought, tired of argueing with her.

Nessa watched him walk away from her, and wondered what was on his mind, mayhap she crossed the line today, but she had to show him that she will not allow him to display his manhood for all to see. He must understand that such behavior is not allowed in her world.

Hawk sighed, and placed his hands on his hips. He looked across the ocean at the endless turquoise water, and pondered on his thoughts , trying to find peace with himself. They were from two different worlds, and mayhap that will be a cause for separation. But even as he thought that, his heart twisted with pain. Leaving her wasn't even an option. He loved her with everything inside him.

Fool! The little voice inside him called out, she will leave you anyway, once she finds out that she will never become a mother!

Hawk closed his eyes, and waited for the pain to subside. Losing her will be the end of him, he will not be able to survive a life without her, after loving her for so long.

Love means telling her the truth! The voice inside him yelled again, you can not keep such a thing from her, she will hate you once she finds out the truth!

His heart was bleeding inside, because he knew that soon he would probably lose her affections when he tells her she will never bare children, but it was something he had to do, because her brothers will definitely tell her, and if she finds out from them first, she will never forgive him.

He turned around and found her making her way to him. He had to tell her how he felt in his heart, and then reveal the truth to her, and let her decide what she wants to do after that.

She came to stand before him, and raised her eyes to his. There were tears evident in her beautiful eyes, and his heart bled regretfully that he had made her shed tears. Pulling her into his strong muscled arms, Hawk whispered words of endearments in her ear. Nessa wrapped her arms around his tapered waist and cried her heart out.

"There's no need to cry Nessa, I promise I will never hurt you again." He told her hoarsely.

"I want to go home!" She said flat out, without skipping a beat.

Hawks heart tightened and squeezed, and he took an inhalation of breath. "You wish to leave here?" He asked softly, holding back the tears that threatened to spill. Never in his entire life has he cried, but at this moment, that was exactly what he wanted to do.

Nessa pulled out of his hold, and nodded her head, "Yes, I want to go home!" She repeated, as fresh tears rolled down her lovely face.

Oh heart of mine, stay strong, Hawk thought to himself, "When do you want to leave?" He asked carefully.

"Now, I want to go right now!" She answered quickly.

"Can we talk first?" Hawk pleaded, as fear settled in his heart.

"Yes, but afterwards I want to go home." She said quietly.

"Can I dress you, so my concentration can be on our conversation?" He asked her, knowing very well that if she stayed naked, he would not be able to think straight.

Nessa nodded, and Hawk snapped his fingers, and a green, sparkling fairy dress covered her body. He then took her hand and pulled her gently with him to a safe distance away from the water, and motioned for her to sit down. Nessa sat her body on the sand, and he dropped down in front of her.

"Talk to me Nessa, tell me what is on your mind, and in your heart." He said in a deep low voice.

"I feel home sick, and want to go back! Please don't keep me here against my will." She begged, and a knife dug deep into his heart.

"Is it because of what transpired today in the courtyard?" He asked, holding his breath for her answer, because he knew that she would say yes, and she would be in the right.

"Yes, Hawk, I am not Fay, and I do not belong here. Your people live a different lifestyle than my people. I am not accustomed to displaying myself naked in the courtyard for all to see. My actions today surprised me. I do not want to live my life in this way." She said, and she was right, he too didn't like the way his people enjoyed sleeping with just anyone. Ever since he met her, he has realized that this is not the way he wanted to live his life either.

"I will take you back Nessa. I don't want you to be here against your will. I love you too much to see you suffer." He told her, and the knife dug deep into his heart and twisted. "I will return you as soon as we finish our conversation, and you have my word that I will never hurt you again. I will leave and never come back, so you can be free of me, and marry Robert."

"Robert? What are you taking about, I don't want Robert!" She said, "You want me to marry a man I don't love so you could be rid of me?"

"I thought you said you want to leave and go home!" He told her, as a little flutter of hope dared to claim his heart.

"Yes I want to go home, but not without you!" She said, not realizing that her words gave him back his life.

"You want me to come with you?" He asked, just to make sure he heard her right.

"Of course I do, why would you think otherwise?" She asked innocently.

Tell her, now is the time to tell her that you and her will not be able to bare children! The little voice inside him said.

Hawk closed his eyes and inhaled. "There is a few things I must tell you before you decide to take me home with you with you Nessa."

"There is nothing you can tell me to make me change my mind." She said.

"Yes Nessa, there is. If you marry me, you will never become a mother." He told her point blank. "A Druidess and a Fay can not bare children if they mate."

"And you think that that will stop me from loving you? Do you think that I will leave you just because we will never bare children?" She asked him, and he almost cried from relief.

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