Lurking in the shadows

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It felt really good being held by strong muscled arms, but they were the wrong arms, Nessa thought sadly, and held herself back from crying her heart out, because that would create a million and one questions that Neil would ask, and she wasn't in the mood to tell him a single thing yet, although she knew that one day she would confide in him, but today was not the day.

Pulling out of his gentle hold, Nessa thought to go back inside the castle and go to her chambers where she can cry her heart out in private, when she thought she saw someone lurking in the shadows behind the rose bushes. At first she thought it was her sister Lanie, spying on them, but she then caught a glimpse for a split second of a second, of someone that was super tall and had golden hair.

Her heart pounded wildly against her chest. It was Hawk, she was sure if it! Without thinking, she threw herself back into Neil's arms and said hoarsely, "Last night was wonderful Neil, you were hot and sexy. I shall leave the door unlocked to my chambers, and wait eagerly for your return tonight my love."

Neil narrowed his eyes at her, and asked "what are you talking .." But could not finish what he wanted to say, because Nessa poked her finger at his side.

"Please go along with what I say." She whispered, "I love you Neil, and I want you to go and ask my father tomorrow, if we can marry this weekend. I am eager to become your wife as soon as possible." She said, making sure her voice was loud enough to reach the ears of her Fay.

Neil's grey eyes looked deep into her violet ones silently questioning her behavior, but decided that he would go along with her craziness, and can ask his questions later. "Yes Nessa, I will talk to your father this evening, and I will come to your bed tonight, wait for me my love, for I have missed you already!" He said in a deep and rich voice, and his eyes were bright with laughter.

Hawks heart beat wildly against his muscled chest, as anger settled in his gut. She was a harlot! It has been only two months that he was away, and already she has found other arms to hold her! He watched as they walked away heading towards the castle. The Druid held her hand, and Hawk died a thousand deaths, as he followed closely behind them.

Just to let all of you know, the baby decided not to be born this weekend. The doctors tried with medicine to induce her but for some crazy reason, three days and still she did not go into labor. Today we came back home and now we wait all over again, for nature to take its course, which proves one more time that doctors are not GOD, for only GOD can decide when someone shall be born.

And since I'm back home, I will write one more chapter for today. :)

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