Time to run

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Eva waited until her pupils went back to normal before she raised her head, and said softly, "I'm feeling a little under the weather, please excuse me, I shall be right back." And she pushed her chair out, and lifted herself off the chair. She did not miss the cold laughter in Williams eyes, as their eyes met and locked, before she quickly walked away.

Everyone watched her head towards the lavatory to relieve herself, but William knew that she was not going there, she was trying to escape.

Quickly, he jumped off his seat, knocking his chair to the ground, and yelled, "Seize her, she's a witch!"

There was an uproar in the dining area, as William ran after Eva, and Michael looked after him confused. By the time he realized what William meant by his words, his brothers had already disappeared into the hallway, and half the warriors in the room followed after them.

"William help me." Kyra shouted in the hallway.

"No William, she's a fake, I'm Kyra!" The other Kyra screamed.

Michael ran as fast as his feet could take him to the hallway, pushing everyone out of his way, until he came face to face with the two woman that looked identical to his wife. His heart pounded wildly against his muscled chest. It can't be, he thought, as he looked from from one woman to the other.

"Michael, it's me, your wife." Kyra said desperately, very happy to see her husband again, having missed him like crazy.

"No Michael she's a liar! I'm your wife, she an imposter!" Eva said, hoarsely.

Michael stood frozen not believing his eyes. They were both identical, and he could not tell which one was his true wife.

William stepped foward, and looked closely at both woman, he had to find a way to reveal the real Kyra, and help his son.

"Michael please, it's me." Kyra said, as tears streamed down her lovely face.

"She's lying Michael, don't believe her!" Eva pleaded.

Michael looked from one Kyra to the other, and pain twisted in his gut, because he was not able to tell them apart.

The great hall was filled with warriors blocking the entrance way, so neither Kyra could escape, and the Cheif stepped foward, and looked at both Kyra's with a heavy heart.

"Papa," Kyra said, as fresh tears floated down her face. "I'm sorry."

"You're not Kyra! I am Kyra," Eva yelled, "papa, don't believe her, I'm your daughter, she's an imposter!"

The Chief placed his hand on his heart, fearing a heart attack. He stepped back, not wanting to choose the wrong Kyra, for he could not tell them apart either.

Kyra could not believe that Michael could not recognize that she was the real Kyra, disappointed in him, she asked. "Have you forgotten me already, was it that easy to let go of your memories of me?"

"No Michael don't listen to her, she's a fake!" Eva yelled, as fake tears rolled down her face.

Michael was left speechless, confused beyond belief, he had no idea what to do, until suddenly, cleared one hundred percent of the spell that was spooled over him, he yelled in a hoarse voice, "Where's my child?"

At that moment the wooden doors crashed open, and the witches of East Wick entered. Michael held his breath as the head witch found her way to the front of the crowd holding in her arms a child that looked just like him.

"Papa!" The child said happily, clapping his hands. "my papa!"

Hello everyone, please vote if Eva should die, and if yes, who should kill her?

Michael, the witches, William, Kyra, or the brothers?

And maybe she shouldn't die, maybe she can get sent to the torture chamber and then she can escape and I can bring her back later on in another book? You vote, and remember your votes do count!!!

Thank you for your votes, and comments. Xoxxoxoxxoxxo

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