You are now mine

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Hawk watched Nessa sleep, and his heart melted around her. She lay still in his arms all night, and he marveled at her beauty that had claimed him from the moment he set eyes on her. She was his life now, and he would take good care of her.

Making love to her was like a new experience for him. He has had millions before her, but never did he feel as he had felt tonight. With her it was different, he had never had this feeling before, where his heart swelled with love, and he bared his soul to her. He knew that she was special, and that he would keep her forever, but he also knew that when Michael found out, he will come looking for them.

If Her brother ever succeeded in taking Nessa away from him, he would surly die from heartache, and so he needed to take her somewhere where no one can find them. A place where he can love Nessa without fear of ever losing her. Tightening his grip on her, Hawk realized that she might not feel the same as he felt for her. She was just human after all and had not the capability to love as Fay's do.

In the Fay world, love doesn't come around often. They are free souls living their lives having sex with each other, and enjoying everything life has to offer. There was no time for falling in love, and why should they, they pleasure each other anytime they wish, and with whomever they choose. Life was a party to them, they ate, drank and danced with each other, and gave each other sexual pleasure, grouping together, and satisfying their thirst for life.

Hawk didn't realize that he had fallen in love with Nessa until it was too late. Had he known, he would have protected himself from such a thing, but the reality of the matter was that it was unexpected, she had claimed his heart from the moment he set eyes on her., he just hadn't realized it from the start.

He tried to calm his beating heart that raced ahead of him, as a new thought claimed his mind. He knew not what was in her heart, and exactly what was it that she felt for him. Did she love him enough to stay with him forever, or is she just infatuated with him? He thought wildly.

Humans are weaklings and incapable of loving the way Fay's do, once they fall into the trap and lose their heart to someone. Hawk had sworn off love, and was careful not to get himself attached to any one female, until now.

Fear struck his heart, as the thought of losing her entered his mind. Fay's could only love once in their life, and this was it for him, because he did not guard his heart well enough, and he was now hopelessly in love with her, but what of her, did she love him, or was she too young and innocent to understand the depths of love?

This thought bothered Hawk, and he promised himself to take things slow, mayhap he too could rethink his thoughts. What if he made a terrible mistake when he kidnapped her from the cathedral. What if she woke up one day and decided that she didn't want to be with him anymore, what then?

Taking a deep inhalation of breath, Hawk gently pulled his arm away from Nessa, and softly rolled out of bed. With a sinking feeling in his heart, he walked to the huge window, pulled back the silk, ivory curtain that framed the window, and looked out into the courtyard. Hundreds if not thousand, were engaged in orgies, as the seductive music played around them. Winged fairies flew over them sprinkling gold sparkling stardust, hypnotizing them in a state of euphoria, where the mind and the soul both engaged in the sexual dance and brought them the urge to unite their bodies

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