The king and I

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Hawk sighed, and dropped his head in his huge palms. This is turning into a nightmare, he thought, and pulled himself up from his sitting position.

"Sire, Michael and I are friends, he will not cry war against us!" Hawk told the King.

"You and Michael were friends, I don't think that he still sees you as a friend, you kidnapped his sister! You must take her back to Sterlingshire, she is not yours to keep!" The King yelled.

The impact of the Kings words caused his heart to stop beating for a few seconds.

"I'm not taking her back, she is mine to keep!" Hawk said, in a low dangerous tone, knowing very well that his tone is punishable by law, when spoken directly to the King like that.

The King stayed silent for a few minutes, trying to get his grip, because he loved Hawk like a brother, but if anyone were to hear Hawk talk to him this way, then he would have no choice but to punish him, it was the law.

"Very well then, keep her, but you must go talk to her brother, and come to some kind of arrangement. I will not have the MacAlisters come on our land and proclaim war!" The King growled, angry that his second in command destroyed the peace treaty between them, and the MacAlisters.

"You have my word that I shall try to keep the peace, my King." The Hawk said in a cold, deep voice.

"You might want to have a talk first with your lady, and see if her heart answers to you first, because if it doesn't, then all of us, including you, will be better off if she were gone from here, and back where she belongs!" The King said. "To bring her here was a bad idea, because even if her heart is yours, and you hook up with her, she will not be able to produce children. If you hook up with her, and then she finds out that a Druidess and a Fay can not produce children because of the chemical unbalance, she will hate your guts, and your marriage to her will be over!"

Hawk closed hie eyes and took a deep inhalation of breath. His heart twisted with pain.

The King sighed, and sat back down on the bench. "Sit down my friend, we have many things to talk about tonight."

Hawk hesitated at first, but then he did as he was told.

"You put our land and our people in danger, because you were not thinking with your upper head, but the lower one! You don't even know if her heart is in the right place. I want you to go talk to her, and find out her true feelings. Then you must tell her that she will never become a mother if she stays with you because tis not possible, she must know what she is getting herself into if she chooses to stay!" The King demanded.

"Aye, I will find what is in her heart, and tell her everything you wish for me to say, you have my word." Hawk lied. There was no way that he was going to let her know that she will not ever be a mother if she stayed with him, for he knew that she would leave him if she were to find that out.

"Very well then, I shall leave you to your task, but tomorrow I want you to come and report to me everything that transpired between the two of you!" The King said, as he lifted himself off the bench. "Do not hesitate to talk to her."

Having said his peace, the King didn't even wait for Hawk to respond. He was very upset with his friend. This marks the first time ever that Hawk put his interests before the kingdom of the Fays. Walking away, eager to be in his bed with his queen, the king wondered if this would be one of many times that the Hawk went against his beliefs, and his people.

Hawks eyes stayed on his King until he disappeared inside the castle, and then his thoughts of turmoil coiled in his stomach, and twisted his guts. He would not give her up! He'd rather die a thousand deaths then take her back to her people! Nessa was the only woman he ever loved in this way. She was his soulmate, and she was his to keep!

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